Wednesday, October 6, 2021

One Girl Is Company, Two Girls Are...

Jenny, oh Jenny
Joy, oh Joy
A one-woman man's what I wanna be
But there's two perfect girls for me...
-- "Two Perfect Girls", Eric Stuart

I've brought up the likenesses of Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy along with some real connections in two different quick posts. They're strong characters to be sure, and they're particularly strong for another Pokémon character: Brock. They're frequent subjects of his adoration, if not for any female character in general, and that adoration is the subject of a song sung by Brock himself about the company that they may provide for him.

Remarkably, the song is sung in English, which is neat for western fans. It is also in effect a "character song" as Brock himself divulges a particular characteristic of his own character - his interest for people of the opposite gender, but particularly for the two characters above. He does exactly that in two verses and a characteristic chorus that has been quoted above, plus a third variant that goes beyond those two characters.

The song is also characteristic as it highlights the singing capabilities of Eric Stuart, the old voice actor for Brock. It sounds remarkably passionate from the slow and mostly spoken intro to the upbeat rest of the song, complemented by the occasional background singers. Of course, it has to be: aside from dealing with Pokémon, Brock's passion is girls, girls, and girls, specifically the ones he has called out as "perfect".

Ostensibly, this song has a lot of character. It's about a character singing his hearts out for another two characters in the most characteristically way possible. It seems fair to say that the song is fully "perfect" for Brock as he sings about the perfection of two very specific girls (and even more) that he could only wish to have as company together yet could only have one. At least, that's a perfectly strong statement of character in some ways.

Two years ago: (Not) Sparkling Names
Three years ago: My Town, Pokémon Town
Four years ago: What's in a Name?

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