Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Tournament: Raid Group "Relaxed" Lunar Cup

So, the reason why explaining the Lunar Cup quickly becomes relevant is because of yet another tournament by my raid group, this time as part of the current running Silph Arena season with this first themed cup. Since it's my raid group and I have a stake in PvP, it becomes pertinent for me to participate and see how my skills fare against those of others.

Participation was quite diminished this time around, with only eight of my raid group members, including me. Others may have wanted to participate but couldn't get a team in by the starting deadline, which was 8 PM on Friday. Regardless, eight participants is the absolute minimum for getting things going, so it's still fortunate that happened.

The reason why this particular tournament has a "relaxed" tag is that the scheduling is even more flexible, in that now a round can be given 2 days to complete. With eight participants, this resulted in three rounds, and all of the rounds were completed at 8 PM a few hours ago, allowing me to make my write-up of how I did.

As for that, I thought I could do well, but I in fact didn't and ended up in sixth place. I won my first round with a sweep against one of the more masterful participants, but then ended up getting shut out in the next two rounds by two very masterful ones. Had I just gotten one more win, I might have been able to bump up my ranking slightly.

There were no "close calls" this time - and if there were, I averted them with a win - which is a good thing. The bad news is that pretty much all of the losses were by a sizable margin. This leads myself to question either my team-making abilities or my prediction abilities, or both, though considering prior tournaments, this isn't exactly a new problem.

Silph Arena's current season has just begun, and there will be more themed cups to come. Whether my raid group will deal with them, given a year's absence of sorts, is another matter, but if my group does, then I'll certainly deal with them also. There's time to consider how well I can make things work out as this season works out for me and the others.

Four years ago: Respect for Ikue Ootani

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