Monday, October 4, 2021

Possible Future Unite Licenses?

In Pokémon Unite, one needs a "Unite License" in order to fully have the "right" to use that Pokémon in certain battles. Right now, there is a good deal of representation for Pokémon with Unite Licenses for use by the player. Even so, there seems to be some gaping holes in that representation, ones that I consider to be deserving to get filled in. Based on this, I have a short list of several Pokémon that may become prospects for future Unite Licenses.

Currently, Fairy types have a good representation to some extent, particularly with Gardevoir and Wigglytuff. However, it may be that others could also join the representation, such as Granbull and Togekiss. The former could be a neat two-stage addition, while the latter could be a strong three-stage addition. The balance might shift with these new additions should they be included, but it might still be possible to counter them with the current representation.

Meanwhile, the current representation may be deemed lacking in the Fighting type department, and this may be helped with new additions. Gallade could be one, but its "duplicity" with Gardevoir may have to be resolved if it is somehow included. Conkeldurr might be a more viable and unique addition in similar vein to Machamp by its unique appearance and capabilities; either of these regardless have the potential to be seen.

Looking at the current representation, Dark types are rather minimal. In the future, it might be neat and impressive for them to have a greater presence in representation. Two of the Pokémon in this regard could be Honchkrow and Tyranitar. It may be admitted that either or both of these may appear in a different map as NPC species, but with reasoning of the Cramorant "odd bird" being represented, they may just work out.

The same minimalism could be described for Dragon types, which at present is only prominent by Garchomp. Dragonite and Salamence are obvious contenders for this, and should they become included, they could become impressive but possibly challenging representative options. Past the challenge, they could also stand to dominate, which becomes the sole point of consideration if they are decided to be included.

With the Pokémon that are currently represented in Pokémon Unite, there is a good selection of fighters with Unite Licenses that appeal to strong and fan favorite species. At the same time, the selection may also be considered to lack extensiveness in some ways. The solution to that is of course to add more Unite Licenses, with the result being a dazzling representative array that should also dazzle in combat in the arenas.

Two years ago: Dub Reunion, Dub History
Three years ago: A Strongly Brilliant Thing

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