Thursday, October 21, 2021

All for Pokémon Communication

Pokémon and communication are two topics that come up from time to time on this blog, given that the former is what I really like and the latter is important for conveying about what I appreciate about the former. With this blog having been going on for almost five years, it might seem that I've, in a way, devoted myself to communicating about Pokémon in addition to experiencing and playing with it. That devotion could also be a prompt to seek new avenues for that communication and see how far I can go in doing that.

This blog in its entirety may or may not qualify as an actual form of digital promotional communication, moreover a professional form of it. However, at least some parts of it may be considered to approximate that communication, and that may be a good thing. They would show that I've got the chops to communicate (specifically in English as the language of this blog) and the possession of a good knowledge of Pokémon. Whether that's sufficiently professional for very specific purposes that are sought might be another thing altogether.

As for other forms of Pokémon communication, specifically a verbal and visual one, that would be something completely different. It would demand means of expression that are more complex, not to mention more time and resources to prepare (for) them. That said, lately I've been teasing and entertaining myself with the idea that I may now be prepared to commit to the new form, even though this blog would still be the primary means if that happened due to a blog's convenience and simplicity, particularly for post frequency.

In seeking new avenues of Pokémon communication, the two key factors I appear to have stumbled upon are professionalism and novelty - whether I can polish things up or break into new forms. My attraction (and thus devotion) to Pokémon is already conditioned, but my devotion to communicating about it may only be partially established at this point, even with a blog running for a few years. Given that Pokémon and communication are always relevant issues for me, the way to go has to be a full establishment through the newest and best ways possible.

Four years ago: Pokémon Brand Parodies

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