Sunday, October 31, 2021

Halloween 2021: Spooky Branding

It's been one year since the Halloween where everyone faced the "spooks" (see below), and... well, the "spooks" are still there, so it's still being faced. In the meantime, I'd like to discuss another spooky matter, and this time it concerns branding, the way that something would be regarded by others, particularly in presentation. This matter regards myself and obviously Pokémon as the core topic of this blog. It has become relevant in the past few days and has become relevant for the both of us.

For me, I wouldn't brand myself as "spooky", in general concerning all the things I do and speak of publicly, including of languages and Pokémon. Therefore, I don't have the obligation to appear spooky, and it is preferable that I don't anyhow; happenings like the other day are thus the exception and not the norm. Private matters are another thing, but those are way beyond the scope of this blog and certainly not for the consumption of everyone. "Spooky" is therefore a non-option or potentially the very last alternative.

Then, for Pokémon, it is also in general not spooky, but it does provide the aspects that can make it spooky. Those aspects would be yet again the Ghost, Dark, and Poison types primarily as well as the Psychic type in some cases. Taken together, or even strongly individually in some cases, they may very well be quite spooky. In this way, it can present itself as especially "spooky" when circumstances demand it, such as during this bewitching time of Halloween. The brand itself is still not spooky, but it can fit into spooky situations.

As for this spooky day, it would be wise to turn to a generally non-spooky character I identify with.

Ash: No, I'm not spooky. But I've had Haunter and Gengar along the way, and they are spooky.

Me: I'm sure of that. Today, I wanted to send you out with your Sinnoh costume for a few things, but it looks like the weather wasn't supportive.

Ash: Yeah! It rained later in the morning and afternoon. It's fine that I didn't go out, at least very far.

Me: But you could still take care of a few Pokémon things for me, right?

Ash: I did! I captured a few Pokémon just outside, then I took care of your Luxio buddy. After that, I sent a few of your Pokémon into battles with others on Aeos Island - but we didn't do well in most of them.

Me: That's OK. Without a friend, it tends to be like that often. To make up a little bit for the rain and not being able to go out, I got you an online story event. How was that?

Ash: It didn't work out. The storyteller had problems and couldn't perform.

Me: Of all the days. I guess I'll take care of that some other time.

Ash: You know, I would have loved to go to the place that you went with all black clothing.

Me: That wouldn't suit you, though. You'd look like a thug instead of a Trainer, and that can't happen. I do have an idea with Gengar, though.

Ash: That's interesting! Can you tell me more?

Me: When it's the right time. Halloween is already it for this year.

Ash: That's fine. Let me know if you can make it work.

Me: For sure.

Halloween will always present itself as spooky in many ways, and it's hard to change that. What seems to be easier to change is how one presents oneself as the branding; I could totally do so if desired, though it is not a personal one, and Pokémon has the means for spookiness, if such a thing is very much desired as with Halloween. It may be well to do, especially with today, to find just the right and best ways to present a spooky branding.

On that note, Happy Halloween 🎃 - however spooky it might be. 👻

Four years ago: Happy Halloween!

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