Monday, November 1, 2021

My Current Unite License Targets

I've been playing Pokémon Unite for a good while, and I've amassed a number of Unite Licenses now. Among these, there are some that I frequently use and some I haven't learned how to use. Even with this being the situation, I also have a few prospective Unite Licenses that I desire to possess, and these would be my "target" Unite Licenses that I would like to obtain at some point in the future for matches in Pokémon Unite.

Some of my friends have extolled the virtues of Sylveon, a Pokémon so powerful that it had to be toned down - "nerfed", in game parlance - to keep things balanced. Even after that, Sylveon has proved to be a popular(ly powerful) Pokémon by different skill sets and practices. Therefore, Sylveon is an imperative target to be obtained. Yet right now, I can actually use Sylveon on a "trial" basis by a temporary timed Unite License, which I can take advantage of to practice using the Pokémon before I decide to go ahead and spend my resources on the actual Unite License.

Of the Unite Licenses I currently have, I'm not in possession of any Pokémon with the Supporter role. They may be useful in certain matches and to just have outright. As with Sylveon above, I've been able to put Wigglytuff in play, which is indeed a Pokémon with the Supporter role; in doing so, I've learned about some possible uses and practices for this Pokémon, and this becomes very much desirable to be obtained. Having Pokémon of different roles ought to speak for versatility and ability to complement other Pokémon in a team, no matter who they might be.

Meanwhile, others have suggested that I obtain Machamp and/or Absol, and there is some support regarding these suggestions. They are of the Fighting and Dark types respectively, and either of these might back up the current roster of Unite Licenses in my possession, which lacks both. I've also obtained Mamoswine after having learned how to use the Pokémon effectively in matches, and this is a desired "target" that was fulfilled elegantly, also thanks to a timed Unite License from a mission. Other temporary Unite Licenses also ought to indicate other desirable "targets".

With the current situation, there is still much for me to learn about the Unite Licenses I possess for the Pokémon that I can take to matches in Pokémon Unite. At the same time, there is the desire to expand this collection to fill in some elements that are beneficial, necessary, and/or novel. The "targets" that I've set out here should serve as further directions by which I can elevate not only my skills but adaptability in Pokémon Unite.

Two years ago: Later, Psyduck
Three years ago: Hardcore (Dis)United
Four years ago: Duff Knows Pokémon

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