Monday, November 29, 2021

Road of 25th Anniversary: Sparkling Steps

If my coverage of the big 25th Pokémon anniversary last month revolved around some "penultimate resolutions", it may be said that the happenings this month depart from that and take a stroll on the dazzling side. Thus, in a way, they could be described as taking a few "sparkling steps" from that. There's one obvious one for this, but that's for a bit later; the couple of other happenings, regardless of and along with that one, deserves to be known as well.

Since all the known game regions have been featured on the anniversary web site, there's not much more that can be done for that, having been resolved last month. Yet it is also known that between Kanto and Johto, there was the Orange Islands, a region specific to the Pokémon anime and where a certain hero got his first "sparkle". The official Pokémon YouTube channel uploaded a few clips from the Orange Islands at the beginning of this month, which is certainly to honor this region. In fact, for those who enjoy a good throwback, anime clips that have been posted over the course of this year are also available there, so I recommend watching them to "retread the sparkling path" of the anime.

For something really sparkly, there are Pokémon crystals - yes, real crystals - to be had. In collaboration with Baccarat, a few Pokémon creations have been made, including a really neat Pikachu figurine and a Poké Ball. These creations are obviously somewhat on the luxurious side, but for dedicated and very rich fans, these are certainly like no other and would deserve a spot in one's collection. The icons that they feature are not too shabby or dull either, and Pikachu lends its own "sparkle" as part of the collection. 

Of course, the most sparkling things Pokémon-wise to come out of this month are the Sinnoh remake games that were released about one and a half weeks ago, which I also cannot mention enough. They couldn't be timed any more perfectly than in an anniversary year and in effect celebrates the anniversary much like everything else. For that, they really need to be gotten and played if at all possible.

I also can't stress enough that the big anniversary year is really winding down, with only two more full months left for at least a few more things. But what I garner from the happenings this month is that there is always a chance to sparkle even for a little bit more or as a "last chance" before the party ends. That, with a little stroll, may just be what is really needed before turning over to the next anniversary moment.

One year ago: The Catch Cup of GBL
Four years ago: The Words of a Pikachu

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