Friday, November 12, 2021

Perfection Under Imperfection

The experience of the past couple days in renewing a broken old place mat with the addition of Pokémon indicates one thing: I do try to strive for perfection even when the conditions seem rather imperfect, as with the place mat in the previous sorry state before fixing it and adding Pokémon. This, of course, not only applies to crafting projects like the above, but also wherever and however Pokémon applies - most primarily in the games that I play. In effect, I'm attempting to make perfection work out in some way, despite imperfections that may be present.

A good example is for Pokémon Go, the game that I currently play the most frequently. My time outside is sometimes fairly limited, even now with current conditions, so I have to make the most of what may be a little time outside (the imperfection) to do and make progress as much as possible (the perfection). Sometimes this does lead to further perfection in different cases, such as PvP battling in which I can make sufficient headway, or the imperfect condition may persist until there is a development that allows for perfection. Regardless, no matter how much time I have, I'm always scouring for that moment of perfection and I revel when I find it or regret when I don't.

Being an "all-rounder" Pokémon fan, I have to make time for all the possible activities that I can do with Pokémon, including the creative activity above and the games that can be played. That sometimes may lead to the languish of one game or another, whether briefly or extended, but there is the attempt to do as much as possible and even progress toward completion - or at least to a point that can be considered as such - as with a repeated overdue completion. All these activities eating away at each other's time are imperfections that have to be resolved by the most perfect play possible.

Obviously, other activities that are not related to Pokémon but may very well support it also eat away at my Pokémon time, including the writing of posts on this blog. And for the latter specifically, that may mean that it becomes a challenge and thus an "imperfection" to create a perfectly written post in the time that is available for doing so. Then, there may be new Pokémon ventures that may or may not be perfect the first time I venture into them, but at least the imperfections may still serve as guides to further perfection.

It's clear that I'm working on Pokémon things and others under the "pressure" of a great deal of imperfection. Yet it's been said that sometimes one needs to be pressured to make great things, even perfect things, so that pressure may serve very well for the creation of perfect (Pokémon) things as I have detailed on this blog. The only thing to be expected is the generation of as much perfection as possible from given imperfections.

One year ago: The Little Cup of GBL
Three years ago: Rediscover Cosplay

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