Monday, November 12, 2018

Rediscover Cosplay

During the event that happened a little over a week ago, I partook in an interesting discussion. That discussion concerned the state of cosplay among local cosplayers. This resulted in one conclusion: the cosplayers here are lucky to be able to efficiently and superbly cosplay what they cosplay - which means for me, I'm lucky to be able to cosplay Pokémon characters. It's almost like a rediscovery of sorts for local cosplayers, perhaps in more ways than one.

One part of the rediscovery concerns the materials used for making cosplay costumes, which tend to be cheaper than in other regions. For someone who's used to making costumes with materials that are more expensive, finding materials that are cheaper and work just as effectively is quite a blessing. It makes certain cosplayers want to load up on materials, especially to take to different regions, where they might find the same materials but are more expensive - and in fact, I've been told that this is the case. I have to say that I quite agree; I like minimizing cosplay costs but still having things look good, and that's quite a rediscovery.

And then there are the events and conventions. Yesterday's event could be considered to be "hot" off last week's, and in the past, there have been a series of weeks where there were consecutive events. It does seem like it would be tiring, but it would be rather fun; this is indeed true as well. Someone who might be used to only one or two events or conventions a month could now expect a run of them over several weeks. Sure, some can only cherry-pick the events to go to, but others may be more fortunate to go to more, like I am. With my Pokémon cosplay, I'm rather glad that I can choose different costumes for different events. It is still quite a rediscovery for those that are able.

Personally, cosplay for me is its own rediscovery. As I've noted way back on Halloween, back when I could participate in full swing, I didn't have my costumes; back then I wasn't fully immersed into cosplay either. It was only when I came and resettled where I am that later on I finally got really immersed into cosplay and brought Pokémon in the mix. This is a significant rediscovery, which allowed me to be more well-known today, and to some extent also sowed the seeds for this blog. The other two rediscoveries above certainly helped as well.

"Rediscovery" seems to have a broad scope, especially in regard to cosplay and the state of it in the local area where I am. Yet the results of this "rediscovery" is quite amazing for any cosplayer, who can stand to do more, do better, and be more focused. That includes me and my Pokémon cosplay. Looking at the way things go, I stand to discover more and more about my Pokémon cosplay, in the meantime rediscovering things as well.

One year ago: Cosplay: Japan Pop Culture 2017

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