Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Peak of Mischief

As it has been another three months, another season is coming to a close in Pokémon Go, and it's the one marked by mischief of a certain nature, mostly due to the "'real' lord of the rings" that is Hoopa. And it's true - a good deal of mischief had occurred in Pokémon Go in different ways. Yet perhaps that could also be said to have happened in some ways outside of Pokémon Go. Thus, as with previous posts on the end of seasons, the discussion treatment will be loose and general without it being specifically focused on Pokémon Go, though quite a bit still will be.

In Pokémon Go, thanks to its appearance, Trainers have had to do a bit more work than usual thanks to the appearance of Hoopa, unfolding as an episodic Special Research of its own that also progresses with specific events, which for this month was during the entire Festival of Lights, including its "shadow" portion. Then, this was capped off by the "Unbound" portion of this program that requires either finishing that episodic set or paying for it (or both, if one wanted to double up). This additional work could be construed by some as an "annoyance", though others might take it in stride and consider it "playful". Either way, it seems to live up to the way that the Pokémon is, being the Mischief Pokémon.

Meanwhile, another current big "mischief maker" is Pokémon Unite as its battles unfold and new Pokémon join the fray, which sometimes is initially regarded as "playful" but has often turned out to be an "annoyance" instead - until Trainers and the game get over them and order is restored, at least temporarily. The recently released "Sinnoh remakes" have not (yet) been proven to be a "mischief maker", but if certain issues come up - as has been the case for many main series games since the sixth generation - then they'll surely be patched out before mischief of the unintended kind occurs.

Even so, some of the viewpoints above may be understandable. "Mischief" can be more or less described as a "playful annoyance" of a minor extent by its definition. In some ways, things have been like that, at least unless they get too major, which hasn't been the case. In any case, however, it seems that everyone has gotten a taste of the "peak" of things even if "mischief" has been solely related to Pokémon Go over the past three months.

Now, as expected, a new season will kick off tomorrow in Pokémon Go. Yet compared to previous seasons, the information for this has presently been scant and seemingly as well as comparatively late, which may (or may not) be another form of mischief. It may just be one more thing to tide over as the pages of mischief turn away for these new pages.

Two years ago: Cosplay: UC Bunkasai

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