Thursday, November 25, 2021

Togetherness Brings Meaning

Today, there is a "twofer": today is Thanksgiving in the US, as well as the anniversary of a certain local TV channel, both of which I've covered in past years (see below and all these other posts). Pokémon might be considered the "third wheel" to both of those, but I'd rather think of it as the "guide wheel" that influences these and all other things that I deal with - and they may even influence each other, which is why I've chosen to discuss all of them together in a single post.

The theme or tagline of the local TV channel's anniversary this year is exactly as the title of this post: "Togetherness Brings Meaning". It may be considered a nod to the national motto of "Unity in Diversity", which I've already covered in sufficient detail; yet in the context of the current conditions of the world, it may be regarded as the harmonizing of views, spirits, and actions to recover and make the world a better place. With all that's happening in this world today, the realization of the theme in good ways may just be what the world really needs in order to move forward in good conscience and most importantly health.

Then there's Thanksgiving. Quite a bit of it I've already explained the first time the holiday came by as above, with its traditional, modern, and even international interpretations. Here is where things start to run together: I consider the theme for the TV channel anniversary to be also appropriate for the holiday today, if it already isn't. It is common for loved ones (family, friends, and beyond) to gather around for this day and celebrate how their linkages bring about significant things. That's already pretty much evocative of the very theme being discussed. In current times, some people may not wish to be physically present due to health reasons, but the togetherness aspect may, should, and ought to be realized in other ways for the significance it brings.

Of course, in my view, they eventually run together into Pokémon. There's nothing like the togetherness that leads to the creation of the games that make up this franchise, certainly by the developers. Then, there's nothing like the togetherness that all the players (Trainers) have in playing the games, whether directly over the Internet, in cohesive small groups, or all together in a grand collaboration or competition. This would then further lead to the sharing and enjoyment of all other elements of the franchise beyond the games. There's a lot of significance in all the ways that Pokémon brings people together to conceive, play, and revel everything about it, and that fits well with the theme.

It is certain that all of that should be thanked for, or in other words, they should deserve gratitude. That means supporting as much as possible, playing as much as possible, and enjoying as much as possible, to give thanks to the parties that deserve them. And when camaraderie is involved, it would mean thanking each other for whatever efforts that others can bring to the table. Once again, the elements of togetherness and significance come into play, but now they're also wrapped in the "blanket" that is thankfulness. This is then carried forward and continues to manifest.

As far as I'm concerned, today's "twofer" is quite special, especially as it happens only once in a blue moon. This year, it brought about togetherness and meaning along with thankfulness. Yet one doesn't have to wait for this day to realize all three values, as they can be realized any day and anywhere. For fans of Pokémon like me, it may be that there's no reason not to realize all of them through anything and everything about this franchise. I would say that would be as special as this special day can get, particularly with today's special values.

Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating, happy anniversary to the local TV channel, and let's hope for even more special Pokémon things in the future.

Two years ago: Spreading Inspiration

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