Thursday, November 26, 2020

Simply, Thanks

The other day, I noted that I wanted to hold off discussing the "other" anniversary, specifically the most important part of that, which is its tagline, something that is indeed customary for the occasion. The reason is that its tagline this year contains an element of thankfulness, and today happens to be Thanksgiving in the U.S.; therefore, it's only proper to discuss it today, especially as it ties into my life with Pokémon.

In fact, the tagline can be boiled down to simply as "thank you, _____" where the blank represents whatever it is that one wishes to be thankful to or for. It could be the country, as the TV channel is broadcasted nationally. Or it could be a certain region, for which the TV channel has established a local branch with local content. Or... well, if it's on this blog and about and for me, then it's obvious that Pokémon fits the bill and tagline.

In this year when nothing seems to go right, it is still right and proper to say thanks for good things. That seems to be what the TV channel realized for its anniversary this year, and they went ahead and expressed it as the tagline for this year's anniversary. And the form of expression is as simple as can be, with no frills or fancifulness - just "thank you" along with the recipient for whom the message is directed.

And then, of course, there is the Pokémon factor for me. I've expressed my thanks to Pokémon in different ways with my Thanksgiving posts over the years, and all of the things I've said then continue to apply even today. It is simple to just say "thank you" for everything, but perhaps to refine it further yet still simply, the expression also goes for the experience of it all. That is perhaps as simple as possible but no simpler.

The channel's anniversary hardly needs Thanksgiving for the occasion to say "thank you" - as if the channel recognizes it in the local context - and technically neither do I. Yet things just seem to line up this year, even if other things don't, and now the occasion to say "thank you" is more appropriate than ever, in my case for Pokémon. There is also the proof that it takes no more than a simple "thank you" to be able to do so.

And to close this post, here's a translation of a part of their anniversary jingle this year that seems to encapsulate my feelings about Pokémon as well:

Thank you for your time
Bringing closer all the world
Each and every one of us
With solutions that guide in life
Through a vast and endless sea of inspiration
And with all my pride
I thank you very much
(slightly edited)

Happy Thanksgiving (for those celebrating). Simple as that.

Three years ago: Popularity

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