Thursday, November 5, 2020

Spending Afternoons with Eevee(lutions)

Because I discussed the related "A Day with Pikachu" line last year, I figure I should discuss this line as well. Following the release of the previous line, Funko and Pokémon displayed a collaboration on another line, this time for another very well-known Pokémon, which can be said to be its "alternate". Coinciding with the previous line, this one is called "An Afternoon with Eevee & Friends". Unlike the previous line and as evidenced by the title, this one involves not just Eevee itself, but the species family of Eevee, which means that it along with the eight "Eeveelutions" are featured for this line.

Like the previous line, the figures in the line, one for each member of the family, were divulged one at a time each month. The line started off with Eevee (of course) in February, followed by Vaporeon in March, Sylveon in April, Glaceon in May, Flareon in June, Espeon in July, Jolteon in August, Leafeon in September, and finally Umbreon in October (last month). Each member of the figure goes - or went, according to Pokémon Center - for USD 14.99 (likewise for last year's Pikachu line), which in terms of figure pricing is reasonable, though one who pursues all the figures will in the end spend a good amount of money for them.

What's neat about these figures is that for someone who does decide to get them all, they can be arranged into a spectacular scene featuring all the members of the family, which can be seen in some Pokémon Center newsletter e-mails. From left to right, the figures in order are Espeon, Glaceon, Vaporeon, Leafeon, Eevee, Sylveon, Jolteon, Flareon, and Umbreon. Altogether, the scene shows all of them in the place or habitat that they like the most, such as Vaporeon next to a waterfall, Sylveon in a grassy patch, and Umbreon in the shade of a rock face. That fact alone might make it a real incentive to get them all.

Personally, I am taken to the "base" figure of the two Eevee - one male and one female, certainly - as in effect I'm getting two Pokémon for the price of one. Yet, I also like the Jolteon figure for its expressive quality, especially where the figure is supposed to be in the grand scheme of the figure line, as well as the Espeon figure that features it lying nicely next to the water. All the figures are awesome, of course, and the collector in me would desire any or all of them if at all possible, which for me at the current time and place isn't. And yet, a collector can still dream.

This line is nevertheless another awesome collaboration by both Pokémon and Funko, and it became a neat follow-up to the previous line, though in some sense it was also ill-timed because of what also followed it. But that doesn't decrease the awesomeness of the figures, particularly because of the "grand scheme" that they show. And that "grand scheme" is one of enjoyment for all the members of the species family of Eevee wherever they are and however they do it best. For an afternoon with them, as the figure series title indicates, it's a totally grand outing for any Pokémon fan and figure collector.

Three years ago: Team Harmony

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