Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Pokémon "Genealogy"

I have some interest in genealogy; I actually have a pretty varied family, and despite the fact that this sometimes works against me, it's still pretty to neat to find out where they have been and how that is reflected in me. Genealogy, of course, is the study of family history, most likely of one's own, but it could also be of others. And when considering "others" in my case, Pokémon would certainly be in the mix. It becomes something of interest as well in this case.

A particular interest in Pokémon "genealogy" is that of the major creatures, as the Legendary Pokémon connected to all things ethereal in the world. At the top of this heap is of course Arceus as the progenitor of all known Pokémon. Coming down from that, there are then various branches, starting with time, space, and dimensions as the big main ones, and then it gets pretty complex from there, too much to explain at this point and in this post. What's amazing is that as complex as things get, it still makes sense with some of the latest Pokémon developments, and that will likely be the case going forward. The challenge is certainly fitting new developments into this existing framework.

Given that many Pokémon now have certain regional forms, a secondary interest in "genealogy" would be to examine interrelationships among these forms. Granted, this process is starting to intrude into "biological" territory, but some relationships may still be able to be illustrated in a familial manner. This may be especially so given that even some species that are not of concern with regional forms may be related to the ones that do. As above, further developments are likely to complicate this, if things aren't already so with the way the key species and secondary species have links in this framework.

"Genealogy" of Pokémon is surely interesting and important, but the genealogy of people in the world of Pokémon could also be just as interesting as for the Pokémon above. Admittedly, information on this is kind of scanty, even for a well-known familial group such as the Oaks. But even then there are the Officer Jennys and Nurse Joys, who have been documented to have certain links with their respective multitude of members. Some information will always be missing about them, but a good genealogy effort should still be able to reveal quite a bit.

This topic, like a few certain others, might seem out of place and/or out of context for Pokémon. But even with those qualities, there seems to still be certain places or contexts that it can fit in, and the information that it sheds light on is somewhat valuable. That said, considering the real stuff, I ought to find valuable things even about my family history. I suppose that even familial things about Pokémon are valuable as well.

One year ago: Drafts Piling Up

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