Thursday, November 19, 2020

Till Death Do Us Part

Years ago, I wrote a post on some of the "fallen comrades" related to some personal ones and Pokémon ones. The "fallen" part, of course, refers to their death, which is often a difficult subject to discuss. As a matter of fact, earlier this year, there was yet another one, predictably due to current conditions. Now I'm prompted to discuss the matter again, this time by a post on another blog that suggests that it is a good idea to do so. The focus this time is on my personal links to and possessions of Pokémon, and how they should be dealt with in the event that I'm called. It can be considered loosely to be a will should the unforeseeable happen.

Since Pokémon is about the games, it is conceivable that I also collect all the equipment to play the games, some that by now are decades old. I'm involved with a group of retro gamers, and though the connection is only a loose one, I'm sure that some of them would like to get ahold of my older equipment and hopefully to manage them as well as I have, perhaps even better. For the newer equipment, it may be desirable for friends in my current communities to decide if they wish to obtain any of the ones I possess before they are distributed elsewhere. The same goes for the games and all the progress I've made with them; they ought to be examined by the groups or communities in question in order that at least some of the progress can be preserved. They will certainly express the greatest interest in doing so.

Besides the games and the equipment for them, I also collect many kinds of merchandise and memorabilia. Objects like these are certainly things that my figure groups deal with, and beyond figures, they've proven their chops with all kinds of Pokémon merchandise, and that is beyond amazing. If I were to somehow be called, there would have to be people who can take care of my things, including things that only I collect. With the figures and merchandise they take care of, there has to be a few of them who might be interested to take care of my stuff. They would be the best hands possible for doing so.

Perhaps the most lucrative and valuable Pokémon object I possess is a whole host of them I use and wear in and out, which are my cosplay costumes. While most of them are uniquely designed for me to wear, it may be that some other people could also wear them, and if they're interested, they may become their right. Alternatively, if no one wishes to wear them, they could be collectively put on as an exhibit by someone. This would be a project that requires dedication and commitment to whoever wishes to take it on, but it would also be the greatest appreciation for them when I'm no longer present.

As before, I'm not saying that this post is another prophetic one for something that will befall myself. Yet, it's also not a matter of "it can", but "it will", and that's a situation I want to have some say of regarding what should happen - and I should have some say of it, by way of that other blog post. I want all my Pokémon things, advancements, collectibles, whatever they may be, to be in the best hands possible when I'm no longer present; that much I can say, along with the above specifics at this moment. In the absence of a true will, much of the above should suffice in the case that my death takes me apart from Pokémon, that which I so greatly enjoy.

One year ago: A Theme Event Dream
Two years ago: Fans of Fans
Three years ago: Cosplay: MINORI 5

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