Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Theme Event Dream

The other day, I discussed about "volatile" topics while discussing about the drafts of posts on this blog, and now I have one such topic. It happens to concern a dream, which by their nature are often fleeting. Because of the fleeting nature of dreams, I have to note them as soon as possible, lest they simply vanish from memory; the drafts also allow this to be done conveniently. And of course, if it's on this blog, it involves Pokémon somehow. That said, the story of the dream could be considered abstract. This one happened yesterday in the early hours of the day.

The dream concerns a theme event, something I frequently visit with my Pokémon cosplay, especially to engage in the competitions there. In the dream, I was about to engage in the singing competition, singing what is now a staple for me - "Mezase Pokémon Master" - but my turn was delayed, even after all the others have gone. I also almost forgot to register for the cosplay competition, but then I barely made it before it closed. I was then about to wait for my turn in the competition after showing off my Poké Ball to another person, but as it happened, the dream ended, and as I awoke, I promptly noted its most important facets before they disappeared from memory.

Besides the happenings in the dream, there were a few other facets regarding the dream. I saw lots of my friends in the dream, some of which I regularly see at theme events, conventions, or likewise, as well as others that I didn't expect to see. Though I could not tell which one it was exactly, the event that occurred was one I had not seen for a long time, and it was likely in a mall due to its indoor appearance. Most importantly, there were also equipment problems, specifically sound equipment, which most likely also contributed to my delayed performance in the singing competition. This last one is rather serious, but the other facets are important as well.

Dreams may be interpreted in various ways, and this one may be open for that. As I noted earlier this month, I had succeeded in collaborating with a band to sing a Pokémon song, after over a year of participating in singing competitions to show what I can do. It may be that something is holding me back, and the best course of action is to break open a few more boundaries; some related things that happened just after the dream may be indicative of this. Meanwhile, on the cosplay front, it might seem like undermining its importance with things that have been happening.

Yet, cosplay remains a fundamental part of my expression of Pokémon appreciation, so I need to keep it up somehow. As for singing, the challenge is perhaps to keep it relevant with Pokémon, my cosplay, and my abilities, which could also manifest itself with various ways. These are not as "volatile" as this dream, but they could appear to be at times. I feel that Pokémon may have enough to keep that "volatility" at bay; now I just need to find out how with those two important things at theme events and so on.

One year ago: Fans of Fans
Two years ago: Cosplay: MINORI 5

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