Monday, November 4, 2019

Cosplay: Erafun Cosplay Contest

Me: OK, so I want to take a bit of a different approach to this review. It will be composed of self-reflections by me, while you, Ash, will detail your experience there. Let's start with a bit of history.

Ash: Yeah, so a few days before my friend was to do stuff to capture Regigigas, he'd heard about this competition that was to happen on the same day. I wanted in, of course, but he told me it also depended on whether the Regigigas thing could be done quickly - and it turns out, it could be, so I was all set. I just went there after it was pretty much done.

Me: So this was not even an event, really, but just a simple character parade competition, but one that was held in and by a store, something that you don't typically expect. But even if it's small, I still believe that if I can take part in it - by sending you - I should.

Ash: You may be right. The competition only had 11 characters in it, including myself. The good thing was that they allowed characters to come and take part up until just before the competition really started. I - we're lucky that we got in this way after Regigigas.

Pikachu: Pika pi, pika! [agreement]

Ash: You too, Pikachu.

Me: Hence, a good point for participating. While that day was technically part of the weekend, it's also a day that some people may not be as free to do things like this one. I happen to be, so I can send you to do that.

Ash: The parade was simple. I just had to pose three times when I was called on stage. I had my Alola outfit, so I could do the Z-Move pose and show what it's like to capture a Pokémon. But then the judges said where I fell flat was on appearance.

Me: Hmm, yes. I see where this is going. I'm partly to blame for that, with all the restrictions I face in sending you to stuff like this. I can prepare as much as possible, often by going around the restrictions, but sometimes things just don't satisfy others enough.

Ash: The result was that I didn't win, even with five prizes. But I saw some of the stuff in those five prizes, and I'm not sure if you are interested in any of them or they might be useful for you. They seem a bit random.

Pikachu: Pika pika, pika chu? ["What does he think?"]

Ash: What do you think?

Me: It does seem kind of hard to tell. They're things to go for, but sometimes they don't contain what we want or need. I've already discussed this at length in another post. I suppose it shouldn't be ruminated at this point.

Ash: This competition was OK. I got together with other characters and did what I could with what you gave me. Even if it did seem small and there was nothing for me, it was still great. If there is another, maybe I should be able to join.

Me: I agree, but this one also seems to highlight that I may have reached a "point of saturation" regarding what I can do with you just as a character. That's why I seek other ways to expand, like making you sing relevant songs in other competitions in other places.

Ash: But you'll still send me in, right? So you can do your best with what you give me and I can do my best for you likewise?

Me: For as long as I'm a Pokémon fan - which is as long as possible - you still matter very much, along with all other related things. Don't expect that to change.

Ash: OK!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Sure!"]

Me: All right, we're done with this. Let's move on.

One year ago: Cosplay: Art and Cosplay Stage "PANSOS"
Two years ago: How Many Is Too Many?

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