Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Shuffle Special Stage Play Limits

Well, the band thing has been spectacular, but it's time to really get back to discussing other Pokémon things, like something from Pokémon Shuffle for instance. In Pokémon Shuffle, some Special Stages can be played without limits like regular Main or Expert Stages, only with the caveat that they appear for a limited time period before disappearing. However, other Special Stages place limits on how many times they can be played in certain periods; once the limit has been reached, the stage disappears for the period. These limits also differ from stage to stage and may also require expending of currency to be played to their limits. The following is a guide to many of them.

Some Special Stages are playable once (and only once) a day before disappearing for that day, though they reappear each day in the period of time they are available. The Special Stages for the Therian Trio (Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus) in their Incarnate Form, Pinsir, and the Frillish family have this pattern. As such, when playing these stages, one has to be absolutely certain of the Pokémon and the items to be used to play them, lest one wastes the efforts and costs and has to wait another day or the next period to play them if it's the last. These are obviously quite challenging, particularly if the Pokémon in question have not been caught.

The Special Stages for Eevee and Victini - the former on weekdays and the latter on weekends - can be played once for free; however, they can also be played up to 14 more times (15 total) by spending 1 Jewel for each subsequent play. In contrast, the Meowth Special Stage, which appears along with Victini, can be played once for free and then 3 more times (4 total) by just spending 1 Jewel. Eevee and Victini in that regard can become costly, though may be worth it for extra Skill Boosters or Experience Points; meanwhile, Meowth is totally worth the cost compared to simply buying Coins with Jewels. One may elect to spend on these stages.

Similar to the three preceding stages, at the beginning and middle of the month, a stage called Monthly Challenge appears; when cleared, the reward is a set of helpful items. These can be played once for free, then up to 4 more times (5 total) with 2 Jewels for each play. The main reason for replaying these stages is that there are certain probable reward sets, often five different ones, so replaying them might result in different rewards. Whatever happens, one must hope to be lucky to get the desired rewards, at least until the stages can no longer be played.

Every so often, one of the major Ultra Beasts will also appear as a Special Stage. Unlike other stages with play limits, this stage must be unlocked first to be played; 20,000 Coins unlocks the stage for 10 plays. Therefore, this stage is not "free" for first play, but the good news is that one does not have to spend for items to play... because no items may be used. The Coin fee and the 10-play limit, not to mention no items, present major challenges for playing these stages, dictating that one must have sufficiently strong Pokémon to overcome the Ultra Beasts within the 10 plays given.

These stage limits for Special Stages in Pokémon Shuffle are remarkable because they entail two things. One is that one has to be prudent in determining the best course of action since one may not be given many chances (or in some cases only one) to succeed in the stages. The other is that one may have to be forced to pay up in order to be able to attain greater success by way of playing these stages. In either case, careful decisions are in order, but they're decisions that may lead one to reap many rewards than one would otherwise.

One year ago: Marshadow and Mimikyu Keychains
Two years ago: Cosplay Assistants

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