Thursday, November 28, 2019

Keeping Gratitude in Mind

I've written up posts about Thanksgiving since I've started this blog, the first one two years ago and the second one last year, despite being removed from the celebrations. And I'm writing up another one today, since in the U.S., that is when it occurs this year. As noted last year, the celebrations, which are in part solemn, have left an impression on my mind, so it's worth discussing about them and to link them to my Pokémon experiences. Another good reason to do so is that it keeps in mind a certain feeling: gratitude, which is pretty much at the heart of the celebration.

I've had at least one instance where my gratitude was put to the test, particularly with Pokémon in tow, and I've discussed it on this blog two years ago, in fact. Though I've discussed it, it seems hard to keep it in mind, most likely because of the gravity of the situation back then. It is probably all the best not to remember the situation itself, but the thing that was missing then - gratitude - is to be kept in mind. It's been a blessing for me or anyone else to have Pokémon things and be with them, and that much deserves the maintaining of gratitude.

Meanwhile, within the next few days, I will be faced with a number of opportunities where I can very much integrate Pokémon or else Pokémon is integrated, but I will only be able to take part in some of them. For the others, I cannot take part in them because they will take place at pretty much the same time and I can't be in two places at once, or there are restrictions that will unacceptably allow me to participate. Yet, I can only be thankful (have gratitude) that all of these opportunities exist, even if I can only participate in some of them and not others.

Based on my experiences, gratitude remains important, whether it's Pokémon or for anything else. Having gratitude indirectly means having appreciation as well; if I want to show appreciation, then I should show gratitude as well. I become nervous that I don't show my gratitude (enough), though I have much appreciation. Thus, a small part of this blog is to be able to say "thank you" to all the Pokémon opportunities I've been able to experience, and now is really one of the times to be able to say just that.

But of course, to say "thank you" or to keep gratitude in mind, one does not have to wait until Thanksgiving. One can do so anytime, even when it's not this time of year. Admittedly, this is the perfect time to do it, as the extended tradition of Thanksgiving demands. With that, it still seems appropriate to say that today would instill a feeling of gratitude that hopefully would not be forgotten. In that case, it would be fine to say that one can "celebrate" Thanksgiving all year long, especially with a Pokémon spirit in tow.

On that note, for those celebrating, I wish a Happy Thanksgiving.

One year ago: Sinnoh Stone: Agglomerating Evolution
Two years ago: Journeys and Adventures

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