Thursday, November 22, 2018

So Little and So Much

Today is Thursday, and today is the fourth one of this day in this month of November. That means the people in the U.S. are celebrating the day of Thanksgiving, something that has left an impression in me since I stayed there. Though I'm displaced from the actual celebration, it doesn't mean I can't contemplate on some related things on this day... with a Pokémon twist, of course. And this year, based on how things are going, I've got one such thing. It concerns something called "quantity".

Near the beginning of when I started this blog nearly two years ago, I noted that there are some Pokémon things that I lack in. My collections are not quite plentiful, my knowledge of VGC is lacking, and there are some anime episodes I've yet to watch. And yet I went ahead and started this blog. It's all because I'm highly deeply appreciative of Pokémon and all its related things, which is something that I noted in my celebratory post for this day last year.

It is quite true that since then I've added quite a few more Pokémon merchandise to my collection, but then again, my VGC knowledge has barely improved, and the anime episodes are still an ongoing matter. Regardless of these things, I am still a fan, if all the posts in this blog up to today are any indication. I find that this is still a good thing, and moreover, it's an appropriate thing to be thankful for, which is in line with the spirit of this day.

I will surely be having more and more Pokémon things with me, but at the same time, I know that I can't get everything. I can try for a lot of things, but that depends on different factors. The number of Pokémon things present out there in the world far outnumber what I have and even what many of my fellow Pokémon fans have. But I know for as long as we like Pokémon, there's not much to worry about, and this too becomes something to appreciate and for which a sense of thanks is in order.

Quantity is an ever-changing thing, especially for Pokémon, which continues to lead to more things. But that's to be expected, of course. I and other Pokémon fans can only deal with it, taking in what we can take in. However much the amount, it becomes something respectable and appreciable. No matter how little or how much we end up with, the only thing left to do is to be thankful, which is particular on this day and general for all other times.

Happy Thanksgiving, for those celebrating.

One year ago: A Pokémon Menu

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