Sunday, November 10, 2019

In the November Sky

For this post, I want to take a bit of a different approach. After September's and October's "song of the month" plus their personal Pokémon connections, now it's time for November's. Actually, this month's is not so much a song but just music, yet the effect is more or less the same. The musical piece in question is appropriately titled "November Sky" and it's by a guy I sometimes discuss on this blog: Yanni (yes, once again). In connection with Pokémon, this piece has inspired me to look up in the sky around my local area and think about what Pokémon I might just see up in the sky while listening to this song, on this particular day.

In the morning, the weather was bright and sunny. So bright, in fact, that Ho-Oh might have been present in the sky and soaring across the land. There might also have been some action by Moltres in another part of the sky. All around, it seemed like the perfect time for members of the Pidove family (with Tranquill and Unfezant) and the Pidgey family (with Pidgeotto and Pidgeot) to soar high and tend to their business with their flocks. In short, it was picturesque and calm, enough for all of these Pokémon to perhaps take to the sky and do things while things looked nice.

In the afternoon, the weather started to turn towards chaos; it briefly went cloudy as if it were going to rain, but then it didn't. I suspect that Zapdos might have been around within the clouds for a bit, and then quickly left, explaining the rain that could have happened but then didn't. Meanwhile, the Starly family with Staravia and Staraptor might have decided to venture out while things seemed uncertain for other Pokémon that take to the sky, and Rufflet with Braviary might have also gone forth to move from place to place. These are certainly some of the hardier Pokémon in the world, so it's conceivable that they would be present.

At night, things were more like in the morning, except without much light and with more cloud cover. By this time, most sky-bound Pokémon would be back in their nests, but there may still be a few that hang around in the sky. It's likely that Murkrow and Honchkrow may be up there, though of course unseen by the darkness and cloud cover. Elsewhere, Skarmory might be present, though its presence may remain subtle. My local area is right next to a couple of mountains, so I suspect there may be interactions from Dragonite and possibly Articuno there. It remains a pretty shady and cool night from what I see, which is rather supporting of them.

Spiritually, it might be hard to make out which Pokémon may just be present in the sky at a given time, but there may be telltale signs through the environment. But what seems to be important is that like most creatures, Pokémon move about in any environment. It's partly this that I sense through listening to "November Sky" and looking up at the sky for Pokémon. The music befits my monthly progression as much as it seems to be emblematic of their movements in the sky of this very month.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Community Day, 11/10/2018
Two years ago: Mission Cards in Shuffle

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