Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Herding the Last: Wooloo Sticker

Almost three months ago, I wrote up about two sets of Pokémon stickers with interesting "flavors". The second set, as I noted, was like the first in that it is composed of three stickers, but I opted not to get the third member because it wasn't yet to my taste, so to speak. It so happened that the same set of stickers was available again from the convention on Sunday, so at that point, I opted to obtain it for the sake of completion, and of course so it can be discussed in its own post here.

This is a sticker of Wooloo, one of the newest Pokémon in the grand lineup of its species. It belongs to the eighth generation and is one of the Pokémon found in the Sword and Shield games. It might seem a bit surprising that a Pokémon this new and perhaps not as popular as, say, the starters is already featured in merchandise, but then all Pokémon have the right to be featured in merchandise, and this one seems to already have its share of fans. I suppose it's not a bad thing, then, that this one would be featured somehow, especially in a custom one such as this.

Like the other members of the set, Wooloo in this sticker appears candid, typical, and even quite expressive. It has its characteristic "puffball" appearance that is common of this Pokémon. There is even a little heart on the top-right corner that indicates its expression. The background is a piece of pasture that may be part of where it may appear, which is rather complementary. My girl fan has stated that this sticker is very cutesy, and I'd have to say I agree; that may be why we both decided upon getting this sticker, though my reason is decidedly more personal.

Still, now the sticker set is complete, and I've tasted the full range of its "flavor". It's a neat one that is just one of the "flavors" that Pokémon stickers and merchandise in general can have. For this one specifically, the "flavor" has a certain "new" element to it that I can appreciate, and so do other Pokémon fans, as I've found out first-hand. And the most unique thing is that the completion was accomplished by "herding" this last sticker, in an appropriate fashion to the featured Pokémon.

One year ago: Poké-Pareidolia
Two years ago: The Pacing of Types

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