Monday, November 18, 2019

Drafts Piling Up

As a Pokémon blogger who posts every day, I have to have a topic on hand for discussion on that day. Thus, if I happen to think of a topic that could be discussed on that day but I can't due to one factor or another, or even desired to be discussed at another time, I can shelve it; this blog allows me to do so by keeping drafts of topics that I can potentially discuss in a post on another day. And right now, those drafts are really piling up. I can stand to convert all of those drafts to posts on different days, but that's a process that is subject to variation.

At present, not counting this post (which has become a real post and therefore no longer a draft), I have 26 drafts on tap. Of those drafts, four are from 2017 and three are from 2018, the first and second years of this blog respectively. The remaining are from this year, but even then there's something remarkable there. While there are six drafts prior to October and four from that month, nine are from this month alone, most having been conceived over the past week. This isn't intentional either; I've already thought up of quite a bit of potential topics based on what I've been doing with Pokémon and what will potentially happen. The great thing is that I can make these drafts and keep them handy in case I forget.

But of course, to turn the drafts into posts, I have to have the content for them. Luckily, with these drafts, I already have them as the first "stepping stone". The next of these "stones" I can then lay as I see them fit, which will then lead me to a post. There may be that rare chance that the stones don't lead to a post, but with the breadth of scope that Pokémon has, the stones may just lead to a post somehow and no matter what. For the drafts I already have, many of these should already have clear directions. The ones that don't... well, they may just clarify themselves soon enough. For now, the focus is on the others.

There will always be exceptions that exist. For example, from time to time, there will be what I call "volatile" topics that deal with something that happen at a specific point in time are best to be discussed as soon as possible before they go stale. This is precisely why I chose to set aside other topics when I chose to discuss the lost and found of Miss Psyduck. Most events and conventions are likewise "volatile", best discussed as they happen. Still, if they all stack upon one another, then it's time to discuss them over a span of a few days - which brings me back to the usage of drafts.

Whatever happens, an abundance of drafts is a benefit to me as a Pokémon blogger, as I can have a topic at the ready to be discussed. Pokémon itself is such a large thing at present and consequently has a wide breadth of topics to be discussed, not to mention as it applies to my daily experiences. I'm certain that my increased pile of drafts is a bit of a testament to that, and so is this blog on a larger scale. All it takes to add to the pile is something I'll discover about Pokémon on my everyday journey.

One year ago: Trough of Disillusionment
Two years ago: A Little Teaser... and Guessing Game

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