Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cosplay: CHoCoDays 2019

Ash: Oh hey! I know this one!

Me: You should. I sent you to this last year and many years prior, so it has become an annual thing - I have to send you to this one as well.

Ash: I know. I don't mind - thank you!

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Thanks!"]

Me: So today, I'd like you to wear the outfit from your special journey.

Ash: That's great! I like that one.

Me: I do too. Now, I wanted to try to get you in the performance competition, but that one is for two characters, and I couldn't get you to do something with someone else. There is also a singing competition, but we didn't make it past auditions.

Ash: Yeah, this is too bad.

Me: On the other hand, there is still a character parade, so there may be some hope for us. Did you get in?

Ash: I did! This is definitely a good thing.

Pikachu: Pika! ["All right!"]

Me: Certainly. As for the place, you might remember that it's the same place it was held in a few years ago. You might notice it looks... different?

Ash: Yeah, they cleaned up the place. Now it looks so open! But the convention was all in the building next door, and it's still cramped like it was then.

Me: So they may or may not have considered the experience from back then. How were the stands inside?

Ash: They were kind of standard, but they are OK. The communities are neat, the merchandise is amazing, and there are just enough food stands to keep me going! Haha. Seriously, though, they're all great, if only it weren't so crowded inside.

Me: Did you meet anyone special?

Ash: Guess who?

Me: Oh wow! That's my friend from a long time ago and our girl fan. What were they up to?

Ash: They were in the dubbing competition.

Me: Yes, as it should be. They're pretty good at that. That competition, I'm not sure if we can ever have a hand at it.

Ash: Maybe we can try?

Me: Perhaps, but we'd have to think hard about it. Now, what about the results of the only competition we made it through?

Ash: No win. It was me and 50 others, and there were only five prizes. A couple of character friends I know did win the prize, though, and the same was true for the team performance.

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["I guess that's that."]

Me: And what about the others?

Ash: The dubbing competition was great, but it seems everyone was unprepared somehow. Your friend took second place, and our fan didn't win.

Me: Well, that's great. I think all of us did a good job somehow. What do you think about this edition overall?

Ash: Maybe, if you were to describe it, it would be "two steps back, one step forward". I mean, it's neat and all where it is, but it's not too different from last time. But the open area helps.

Me: I hear that there will be another convention in the same place next month. I think there are enough lessons from way back then and right now to be learned.

Ash: But you'll send me there, right?

Me: Certainly, if the opportunity arises.

Ash: All right!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Yeah!"]

One year ago: Cosplay: Art and Culture Exhibition 2018
Two years ago: Catching Them All

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