Monday, November 25, 2019

Spreading Inspiration

A local TV channel, one that I frequently watch and have some history with, is celebrating the anniversary of its founding or creation today. Every year, the channel provides a tagline for its anniversary, and this year's tagline means as expressed in the title of this post. I find this year's tagline relevant to be discussed in the context of this blog as well as Pokémon, because as noted in the very first post, Pokémon is an inspiration of mine, which means I'm inspired by it. With the tagline in question, I'm also inspired to spread that inspiration as much as it also does the same.

I find that Pokémon inspires me primarily by getting me to do things that I never thought I can do. The original games led me to my first foray in a kind of game that I've never played before. The anime sold me on watching others of its kind. Both have fueled my creative juices in cosplay, singing, and even art. Regarding the spreading of inspiration, that seems to be absolutely true. I have been inspired across a breadth of things, of which all are varied. I don't expect this spreading of inspiration to stop; in fact, I expect it to continue along with the other things that I do.

As for me spreading inspiration to others with (the help of) Pokémon, that has occasionally happened. I've witnessed others playing Pokémon games because I play them, and that's a great thing. In a way, I may perhaps have inspired others to partake in the competitions that I partake in with Pokémon, even though others don't necessarily do the same. It may be hard to tell for sure, but at least that's how things seem to be. That would really be a spread of inspiration.

What is certainly true is that inspiration spreads from Pokémon to others, and I've seen plenty of that in all my years with it. There are things that people do with it that I can't necessarily do, and that's fine. The inspiration has definitely spread to them, and they've made the best of it. I can only hope that in the future, the same inspiration may spread to me, and then perhaps the spirit may link both of us, enough to then do something together - in other words, a collaboration. It's impressive to discuss, and even more impressive if it happens.

I should note that their spirit of "spreading inspiration" may be a bit different from what I'm considering with me, Pokémon, and everyone else. But it is regardless a good spirit to have, whether it's their interpretation or mine. Both are perhaps quite necessary, whether I'm watching that TV channel or dealing with Pokémon. Inspiration may be taken from many places and then spread to more places; it can be proven to correlate with Pokémon as well, just as the channel has proven it with their programs.

I hope that we can continue to spread inspiration wherever they may go, both with the real world and the Pokémon world.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 11/25/2018
Two years ago: Late Launch Party... Minus the Party

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