Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Marshadow and Mimikyu Keychains

As a general rule for many of my life experiences, I try to come away with good things and new things. The theme event on Sunday was quite far away, so I decided that I couldn't come away without some sort of novelty, especially Pokémon novelties. Fortunately, I found Pokémon novelties at the event in the form of keychains. Actually, there were many keychains offered for sale, but I couldn't possibly purchase them all, at least under current conditions, so I came away with only two.

The first keychain that caught my eye is a Marshadow keychain. I have a soft spot for Marshadow ever since I saw it in last year's feature film and a close friend traded his to me. So to have a keychain of this particular Pokémon is a pretty neat thing. In this one, Marshadow looks quite expressive and pleasant that it's hard not to imagine it coming to life at any time. But that's a good thing, because it means the art is well-designed.

The same is true of the Mimikyu keychain, maybe to a lesser extent. It looks rather cutesy, slightly impressionistic, and more resembling of its intended lookalike of Pikachu, but it still appears pleasant. Mimikyu is one of those Pokémon that's in the middle of my list of favorite Pokémon, but I still find it likable. It's appreciable no matter how it looks, and this is just another form.

Incidentally, both of these are Ghost-type Pokémon of the seventh generation, as the current latest generation. I didn't fully intend for this, and it just happened to work out this way. There's also a bit of contrast between the tall image of Marshadow and slightly wide image of Mimikyu. And as for the keychain itself, it seems it may be insecure with a pin joint along the chain, but I can see this working out for keys that don't move around a lot, even mostly hanged to see the actual form of the keychain, which may be a good point.

These keychains are quite attractive. The vendor of the keychain had said that I'd think of them even if I didn't buy them (and therefore regret doing so), and I can see why, by their designs. It's hard not to put them outside one's mind, even more so if I didn't purchase them. While keychains themselves are not novel, I say these ones are still so. They are at least a good takeaway from that faraway event, as something physical that remains with me even after the particular experience has passed.

One year ago: Cosplay Assistants

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