Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Where I am, there is a news channel that I and many others enjoy at times. The news channel can be said to be a pioneer of its kind. To run its day-to-day activities, it certainly requires capable hands in the form of journalists. Being that I'm a Pokémon fan, I take things and consider them in a Pokémon frame of mind. For that, in this post, I want to consider how the journalist profession can exist in the world of Pokémon, specifically through three different roles that they may take up.

Photographers, while not being necessarily linked to journalism and/or themselves journalists, can and do support their activities. They're also a role often depicted for Pokémon. Those who watch the anime will recognize Todd or Snap from a few episodes, and he faces his own ordeals much like the real journalists. And then there's the player oneself as the main actors in the Pokémon Snap games, one of which is due out sometime. They're important in any case, and it's a good thing that they are represented.

The real TV channel is supported by many people who often take up the role of reporters on the field. Gabe and Ty are actual depictions of this role (the former being the reporter and the latter is a videographer), and Trainers will likely have encountered them in battle during the third-generation games. The TV enterprise is regardless a major thing in some regions, and they would need the services of reporters to keep things going; Gabe would only be a small set of that, yet an important one to be represented.

Besides being capable of taking pictures or documenting what's happening, some journalists would have to be able to string words together in order to show the particular context of things comprehensively, like I do for the posts on this blog. Some have posited that text media could actually be quite common in the Pokémon world, and they would report battle results, strange happenings, and so on and so forth. Text journalists would serve the position for supporting these efforts very well and are expected to be present.

I find I still have to tune in to that news channel every so often to stay in touch with what's happening in the world. Likewise, it can be surmised that people in the Pokémon world would do the same by seeking out news of what's going on. For that purpose, journalists are expected to fill in the role to furnish news and updates, and they would do so through and using a variety of media. Those journalists would occupy a rather neat position in and for that world: to put their journalistic skills to present the world and its creatures.

One year ago: A Story of Bands

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