Monday, November 30, 2020

The State of Nominations, Part 7

After two months, my situation with PokéStop nominations for Pokémon Go is pretty much the same as last time. I haven't been out for sufficient lengths of time in order to make as many nominations as needed, but I always find the opportunity. As a result, I did attempt to nominate when that opportunity comes about, and I'd have to say that it paid off since the last time I reported on my nominations. Yet, there are other stories to tell, and that's part of the reason to make the post on it.

As always, there are the numbers to be discussed. The number of distinct nominations I've made has increased only by 5 to a total of 86. Yet, I've also gained 8 more approvals for a total of 45, some coming from successful renominations. One nomination was mysteriously superseded, perhaps by another approved nomination that didn't become a PokéStop, and that raised its total to 10. Thanks to successful renominations, though, the rejected list went down to 24, yet this could have been more if other new nominations weren't also rejected. 

That last bit about rejections makes for one of the stories. Now I have five distinct nominations that have been doubly rejected, and the worst part is that some of them can make for good nominations if they weren't rejected for reasons that didn't even apply. Recently, I also was about to attempt to nominate a place that fits well with the criteria, though in doing so I ran into a problem with a person involved with the place; it is yet another sad issue. Whether these can be resolved remains to be seen.

Many possible places to be nominated remain on my list of nominations, and those will have to be nominated in due time. What also takes time (and due effort) is the planning of nominations based on map locations, particularly those of other PokéStops, and this also explains why most of the time I don't nominate places as soon as I find them. It's also partially intended to avoid the scenario that led to the superseded situation as above, but it obviously didn't work then. It's still a useful thing to do.

Seeing as how this is November, in two months' time it will be January, and therefore it will be the new year, making this the last time I'll be able to report on my PokéStop nominations this year. But if this report is of any indication, then I may be in the right direction. This year has turned out to not be the best year for most anything, including Pokémon Go affairs like this, but some have managed to continue in some capacity. And so the progress of nominations continue, to put as many PokéStops as possible in my neighborhood and beyond.

One year ago: Cosplay: UC Bunkasai

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