Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Deactivation of My Regional Figure Group?

Faithful readers of this blog will likely have read about the virtual Pokémon figure gathering (specifically directed for my regional group) that I took part in close to six months ago. It was a fun gathering that could possibly spawn more of its kind. However, close to six months later, nothing more has come out of it. In fact, not only have no gathering plans have been scheduled, the group chat for my regional group has for the most part gotten mostly quiet since three months ago. It is as if my regional group has "deactivated", in a way, which if so would be quite regrettable.

A variety of things had also happened in the group chat, some of them also regrettable in some ways. A couple of months after the virtual gathering, it was discovered that one of the members had passed away, and he was fervent when he was active. Afterwards, it was disclosed that the leader of the group had gotten married, which is wonderful, but it seemed to affect his capacity for figures as well. Then, another member had a family issue that was regrettable as well. From then on, the group chat was quiet, save from small bits of info, and even today, no one has responded to a question I and another member posed as of two days before. The group chat has essentially become "dead in the water", unpromising.

It should be admitted that now isn't exactly the best time for looking into figures of any kind. Investing in them is hard to justify, as is searching for them, whether through the connections of the group or beyond. Yet, it also seems difficult to be divesting the figures that are currently possessed for the very same reasons or even the reason of attachment to them. The Pokémon figures may still mean a lot if there are no hard-and-fast reasons to divest of them for any purpose. At the same time, there has been no word regarding what my fellow collectors have been up to with their figures.

Incidentally, on this date last year (see below), my figure fellows held an interesting gathering in collaboration with a different but related community. I'm sure it would have been even more interesting had I been able to attend, though perhaps it was just not meant to be for me after my activity the day before. Then, the last time we were able to physically meet was right before a theme event that was, in a way, right on the turning point for all situations. They could also be described as the last moments of peak joy for us. Meanwhile, after the virtual gathering, there was actually a small discussion that was expected to generate the next gathering, but of course, it just didn't happen (or at the least hasn't happened).

And with that, my figure group, at least the regional division of the larger national group, seems to have become deactivated. This is certainly only my own observation based on the things that have taken place, yet it seems to describe the current situation to an extent. Yet it may make sense, given that it's best not to discuss figures too much. It is still regrettable that things happen and happen, then all became suddenly rather quiet. It may be that for now that is the way things have to be, and after all the stillness and quietness bring peace, then it would be time once more to talk about Pokémon figures. 

One year ago: All the Missing Pieces
Three years ago: Poké-Friends and Gratitude

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