Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Let's Go (Above and) Beyond

No, I'm not talking about a certain brand of cars. But the spirit could be considered to be similar. Now, last month, there was an event called "12 Days of Friendship"; that event is meant to be a prelude for the addition of something really big (actually, a few things) for Pokémon Go that in a way is far-reaching and extensive, even surpassing everything. Appropriately enough, those things are grouped under a single banner called "Go Beyond", and as of today, all things that belong to this update are live for everyone. It is then appropriate to discuss about them.

One of the things in "Go Beyond" concern levels - and yes, that means Trainer levels (Pokémon levels also indirectly). After months of conjectures, predictions, and whatnot, it is now official: the level cap has been raised. The maximum level is now 50, as I've predicted before. To get to Level 50, however, one needs to not only earn XP, but also complete four Research-like tasks for each of the levels above 40. These tasks range from simple and obvious to demanding and complicated, though any Trainer who has been in the ropes should be able to complete them in addition to earning the required XP (if necessary, as saved up XP can be used for this purpose). It becomes a whole new challenge to show that one is a cut above the rest.

Discoveries are also one of the things in "Go Beyond". Of these, an important one has officially entered the fray: the first batch of sixth-generation Pokémon from Kalos can now be found in Pokémon Go, with a special prelude the day before by Espurr in raids. The rest of the first batch, which as always includes the three starters (in this case Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie), can be found roaming in the wild - though for now, not with the use of summoners such as Incense and Lure Modules - as well as in raids if one encounters them in this way. A Timed Research set is also available to motivate and challenge Trainers to catch the new Pokémon, as the start of what will be many more of them, at least eventually.

The third and last thing in "Go Beyond" is seasons. Like the real environmental markers, these will mark what kinds of Pokémon will be available in different ways, including in the wild and raids, and through events; this last bit will also progress accordingly. It is also especially important for two species in particular, Deerling and Sawsbuck, whose forms are now differentiated by time and location. The Go Battle League (GBL), which had already established its own seasons, will now also run according to these seasons, and it too has a different structure, which ought to be explained later. The first season is called "Celebration" and will run up to March next year. Special things are to be expected as these seasons come and go.

Pokémon Go has always been big from the start with all the things that happen inside and outside it. The latest update of "Go Beyond" can be said to be all that and more. With the update, Trainers can now progress even further, have access to many more different Pokémon, and explore and revel according to what the season can offer. The keyword is certainly "surpass", past what had been achieved, what is available, and what will be the way things go. They may not get there with a car (and hopefully not), but the hearts of some Trainers may race just as fast with the things offered today.

One year ago: Being a "Love Slave"
Three years ago: A Beautiful Symphony

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