Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A(n Un)Clear Vision?

At the very beginning of this year, I detailed the theme that would mark my experiences this year, Pokémon or otherwise. It was as much a guiding spirit as it was in some ways a prediction. Yet, the prediction couldn't be any more off, as a certain viral illness "threw a wrench into the works" and ravaged the usual ways of daily life. What was accordingly supposed to be "clear" became the opposite, "unclear". For that, I've chosen to title this post the way it is, and seeing as it's the end of the year, it has a place to be reviewed in relation to Pokémon and practically other things.

The usual and/or novel menagerie of Pokémon events related to the games and other media became quite disrupted, completely changed, or utterly eliminated. There was a sort of blurriness that came over them as they took place or even didn't at all. Even my personal forays to involve Pokémon in my activities couldn't take place as they normally would. In short, the resulting conditions led to major slip-ups and hiccups to the point that some just couldn't carry on. There was only the clarity that some things just weren't or couldn't be as they are supposed to be.

Even that Instagram account, which had been expected to clarify my Pokémon experiences (and some others) ended up only clarifying a little instead of a lot, due to various reasons including the current situation. Still, it did clarify some, which is better than none at all; overall, it was also somewhat positive. I stand to make better use of this in the next year and upcoming years based on the possible (or any) Pokémon experiences that might come up and to continue using it in the positive ways that have been realized. 

As detailed previously, the yearly theme was inspired by the 20/20 standard measurement for clear vision. However, much of the happenings that took place within the current year was anything but. In popular expression, the same standard is also used to refer to hindsight to say that one can evaluate things in a better way in comparison to when and after certain things happen. That said, it seems that the hindsight situation seems to be the only true and clear thing. And now, I'm compelled to look back on things after I stated that things within this year might be clear, which turned out to not be the case.

As a prediction, the "clear vision" thing turned out to be completely inaccurate - perhaps all because of that illness. As a guiding spirit, however, it is and was still completely noble throughout the year that was supposed to be so. Based on this, I may be able to recognize the theme that would apply for and within the next year, but I'll save that for when it's appropriate, certainly not within the remaining couple of days of this year. It seems to still be quite worth it to maintain the spirit of a "clear vision" still within that time and within all the times to come, for Pokémon and beyond.

Three years ago: In Lieu of a Book

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