Monday, December 14, 2020

For the Sake of Something or Another

Generally, when it comes to Pokémon things, I try to be as observant as possible about them. And lately, what I've observed is that some Pokémon things have been done for the sake of other things. It could be for something good, not so good, or even in between, but what I've observed is that some things were done for their sake and more or less only for them. They become something to consider in the (and my) "grand scheme" of Pokémon things.

Of those, there have been some things that have unfolded in Pokémon Go. Since the "Go Beyond" update for levels became live for everyone, many people have gone for them seriously... perhaps a little too seriously. A few people in my raid group have gone through the new levels in what could be considered a rapid pace, reportedly at perhaps whatever cost. It would seem that an approach would be too much for others, including myself. Meanwhile, I've also became a witness to a situation that someone had with the functioning of their Pokémon Go Plus, which reluctantly caused major grievances for its usage. This is one such situation that I would like to avoid with my own Poké Ball Plus. Either way, it seems that a few things had been forsaken and have become perceptibly not so pretty.

In another area, I still do not have a Switch, though sometimes I keep up with Pokémon goings-on for it. As a result, I'm also exposed to possible bonuses for this purpose without being able to make use of them, due to obvious circumstances. Luckily, I still maintain good connections with those who are active in this area ahead of me, and I can ask them to take advantage of the bonuses that I receive. One such bonus happened recently for the distribution of a specific spooky Pokémon ahead of its landmark premiere for the rest of the world in something that is really special. A really good friend, one also involved with a similar Pokémon of another kind, has offered to take it under reins until I could take it under mine. This was for the sake of the bonus, but it was relatively for the better, in comparison to the previous one, for example.

Meanwhile, beyond the realm of recent Pokémon things is another matter. The words "for the sake of" and specifically the related expression "for the love of" reminds me of another Pokémon thing that years and years ago I had saved and that way back when I had gotten some enjoyment out of it, though not a lot. Since I still have the thing which I saved, I ought to be able to enjoy it even more than I did way back when. If I didn't care too much about it, I wouldn't have preserved it all these years, but the fact is that I have done so, and there must be something special about it. It's as if the preservation is purely "for its own sake", which takes me back full circle to this post.

After the observations that I've made, the takeaway is that people have been doing some Pokémon things for the sake of those things, which may or may not be a good thing. It seems that the act of doing those things must measure up to the aims of doing those things in order to avoid the "darker side" of what they entail. But if they remain on the lighter side, then by all means, and the hope is that the contributions to the "grand scheme" remain.

One year ago: Putting Things on Hold

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