Saturday, December 14, 2019

Putting Things on Hold

So many things are going on in my life. This includes things for Pokémon and otherwise. As much as I'd like to do them all at the same time, there is a limit to what I can humanly accomplish with the resources that I have. So, whether I like it or not, I can only handle a few things at one moment, and for the other things I want to handle, I have to pause their handling - which is otherwise known as "putting them on hold". And unfortunately, that does include a few Pokémon things as well.

Without a Switch of my own, and without the respective games no less, I can be said to be putting a hold on the main series games. I've already fleshed out the details to some extent in a "preparatory" post as well as a little bit in an "uptake" post. I certainly don't intend to do it; I started out with the main series and have to continue its progression if and when possible. But right now, that just isn't the case, and I have to put its progression on hold. The hope is that this won't happen for too long and I can get back at the soonest time, picking it up again and begin playing. For now, this continues to be on hold.

However, some things may be forced to be on indefinite hold. One such thing would be the TCG, specifically the localized version at that. The tournaments for it continue to be in full swing, and in fact, there were two of them last week in my local area. I had thought about signing up for them, but as I hadn't updated my deck since I bought it, I might not stand a chance against those who have decks that are fully thought and built out. Updating my deck would require investment of time and money, things I seem to be short of these days. Plus, I've found that the localized cards are a bit of a problem for me because they are... local, and for someone whose frame of mind is somewhat beyond "local", it seems like a challenge. All I can do now is to keep it on hold.

Yet, by the same token, I can also put on hold a few other things for Pokémon, though not for a very long time. Today, that happened for a certain Pokémon thing that lasted all midday, though it really takes up half of the day. I'd love to cover it in a post on this blog today, but the thing actually continues tomorrow, so I can't really cover it half and half due to it being an "inseparable union" of sorts. That said, its coverage, in a way, will also be put on hold, owing to some other things to be done, even at the same time. So, one thing puts on hold another and vice versa.

What is not on hold is my appreciation for Pokémon, of course, if this post and this blog are of any indication. At this point, it stays picked up and active for as long as possible. It just so happens that a few specific related things at one moment or another do have to be put on hold, but not the entire body of things. The ones that remain active are the ones that keep the entirety from being put on hold. At least with my abilities and the resources that I have, Pokémon and my life can go on without having to be put on hold.

Now, I have to put on hold a few more things for something to do, and even a post or two here on this blog.

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