Saturday, December 7, 2019

Timeless and Forever

It's another month, and that means the Silph League Arena for Pokémon Go tournaments has turned over a new theme. But while the progression has moved forward in time, the theme for this month is actually a step backward. This month's theme is called "Timeless", and it's billed as a way of reminiscing the first days one takes the steps into a Pokémon journey at certain points in time. There's certainly a bit of nostalgia in this, but there's quite a bit more to it than that, especially regarding how this works out for teams.

In regard to teams, this theme is actually slightly formulaic. A Trainer is asked to pick a single form of any of the starters from the first four Pokémon generations as part of the team. Though this could be of any stage, the most viable ones are likely to be of the second or third evolutionary stage, considering optimum CP. This starter is the only one allowed on the team and is free from any restrictions that follow. The rest of the team is made up of a selection of Pokémon from the same generations, and these abide by a set of basic restrictions.

Those restrictions are composed of type, species, and generational restrictions. No Fighting, Normal, Fairy, Flying, Steel, and Psychic types are allowed; Umbreon, Sableye, and any Legendary or Mythical Pokémon are also not allowed; fifth-generation (Unova) Pokémon and Alolan and Galarian forms are out the door as well. This effectively cuts the available Pokémon for use by about half, but to aid Trainers in verifying and battling, there is an official "approval list", just like the theme for the last month.

Among those in the "approval list", there are already some standouts. The three final evolved starters from the first generation (Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise) are likely to be top picks and top killers, with a handful from the other generations. Since Dragon types are not too restricted, they are likely to take the stage as well, and along with them their best "other" counters, the Ice types. This and the possible interactions between Grass and Ground types seems to make this a dynamic theme format for the time being.

Speaking of time, this theme is for December, but it is actually extended for the first week of January, certainly owing to the holiday season. That said, those who conceived this theme have thought of something clever. It takes Trainers back in time to a glory of Pokémon past, but in a more contemporary and future fashion. As time continues to move forward, this will likely be something that all Trainers from all points in time can appreciate. In that sense, it is really "timeless and forever".

One year ago: Local EX Raid (and the Power of Us), 12/7/2018
Two years ago: The Shops of Shuffle

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