Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Pokémon Center Pilot Pikachu Plush - Narita Airport Ver.

I've already discussed a kind of merchandise that I don't have and will likely never have, so now it's time to discuss a kind of merchandise that I do have. Remarkably, it is another kind of Pokémon merchandise from far away, but it's one that I do have in my possession. As the title of this post suggests, it comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. And while I haven't been there lately (and may not be any time soon), this one did come into my possession by way of someone who has been there just recently.

But first, the details. This plush is as expected, which is Pikachu in a pilot suit, looking exactly like the illustration on the tag. Though it's a little bit hard to see, Pikachu has the shirt and tie under the pilot coat. As this is the Narita Airport version, Pikachu dons a coat tagged with NRT, the respective airport code. The attention to detail on this one is impeccable, especially considering its size: it's only slightly smaller than my outstretched palm, but it has so much detail to it. It is, in a word, amazing.

The details continue to its backside and top side. The cap also comes with a chain and a ring, which means this can be attached to anything as one sees fit. In fact, I can already think up of a scenario involving this plush: it can be hung from the hooks or zippers of a backpack and carried with a person as one travels. The plush is of course travel-size, and it has the theme of "travel" in general, with Pikachu being a pilot and all, possibly about to go places with the one who possesses it.

As noted, this came by way of someone who has just been to Japan. The person went there with other agendas in tow, but between all those agendas, there was the opportunity to have a bit of fun. And one of those bits of fun is sneaking in a visit to a Pokémon Center and getting a gift for a friend of the person who is also a great Pokémon fan - that would certainly be me! As for the person, a faithful reader of this blog might have seen him once or twice, perhaps in the character of a good friend of a friend of me. You get my drift.

This plush may be small, but that is the least thing to worry about it. It looks dapper and yet very playful, especially with the suggested "travel" theme and its facility for portability. I appreciate this plush just as much as I appreciate the efforts of the person who brought back this one especially for me. It makes me want to go places - even if I really can't at the moment, at least not to faraway ones - and perhaps that might include the suggested locale of where this plush originates, right down to its details.

One year ago: Stage Coin Tricks in Shuffle
Two years ago: Cosplay: Utsuru F!


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