Sunday, December 15, 2019

Cosplay: Panniversary 3

Me: Well, I've got a lot of things to do, but at least I can send you to a little something.

Ash: Hey, this is that anniversary event from last year!

Me: Indeed. This is this year's edition of that. I know you and Pikachu had at least some fun, right?

Pikachu: Pika! ["Right!"]

Me: So, I figure I'd send you two back for at least a little bit more. Now, last year, I sent you here to sing, and guess what?

Ash: I'm doing that again.

Me: Exactly. This time, I was going to have you sing something a little different, but I had to put it on hold, just like a few other things - I even put on hold a few other things for this. So I want you to sing what you sang last year.

Ash: But can I make it a little different?

Me: Absolutely! In fact, I want you to do that. Based on responses to how singing competitions went over this past year or so, I want you to play with your vocals a bit and see how that works out.

Ash: Yeah! I can do that. But, uh, it seems the sound people couldn't play right with the sound. It popped really bad during the first part of the singing competition. I feel sorry for the first few people.

Pikachu: Pika, pi pika! ["So noisy!"]

Me: I know what you mean. But did yours at least go well?

Ash: I think it did.

Me: That's great. OK, so I sent you not only for the singing competition, but also the character competitions, both performance and parade. Got your "special journey" outfit?

Ash: Yeah, I do! Wait, does that mean you want me to perform...

Me: Yes, that sequence again, for the performance. Even though the last time it won, maybe it could be made a little better. Plus, we have to try it here. The character parade should be obvious.

Ash: OK. So I did it and it was OK. But I was the first one up and I couldn't hear the sound cues clearly. And, last time Pikachu fell over; this time my cap fell when I was "chasing" Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pikachu pika pika. ["I wonder why those things happen."]

Me: I do too. How are the results?

Ash: I wasn't picked in the parade, even though it was three winners out of six. The singing competition was tight, and the better two out of four won the performance.

Me: So, a total bust.

Pikachu: Pika pika pi pika. ["Nothing at all."]

Me: Well, the good thing is that less effort was busted on this one compared to what would happen with every effort two weeks ago.

Ash: Maybe so. Maybe it's not for us to know?

Me: Maybe. How's the venue?

Ash: The place is different, even though it's in the same area as it was last time. The old place is now something else. But it looks fine, mostly. There was lots of room.

Me: And what about everything else?

Ash: They seem standard. It looks a little like the event where I first sang with a band, but with a lot less - or maybe that "cat invasion" one, only wider. I didn't see our girl fan, though.

Me: She must either be busy or have other plans. What do you think about it overall?

Ash: I don't know. This one was good in many ways, but it was also not as good.

Me: But it was fun, right?

Ash: Yeah! I know you have a lot on your plate, but it's great that you could still send me here. Maybe next time we can win something!

Pikachu: Pika chu, pika pika! ["Let's do our best!"]

Me: We hope, and we hope next time we can do it with style.

One year ago: Only for You, For Your Eyes Only
Two years ago: The First-Generation Surfing Theme

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