Friday, December 6, 2019

Time of Posting

Those who have been paying quite a bit of attention to my recent posts (or maybe a great deal of them) on this blog might notice something peculiar about them. It specifically concerns the times at which they are made, which are often erratic. Sometimes they would be posted really early, like the post about the chronology of bands in the lead-up to my first Pokémon collaboration with one of them, and other times they would be quite late, like an event where another collaboration transpired. I'd like to say that there is no art in them, though maybe if I could and really wanted to, it is possible for me to tailor the times of my posts.

All my posts are in English, so for example, I could tailor my posts to be available to readers in the U.S. - where there is a large concentration of Pokémon fans - at a convenient time for them to read, such as at around 8 PM Eastern Time, for example. Doing this, however, would necessitate me to be prepared really early in the morning to post at 8 AM, since I reside in Indonesia, which is half a day ahead; plus, in effect, my "today" post would be their "next-day" post instead. Given that many of my posts are actually made late at night, this actually works for them in that they can read my "today" post on the same morning. Perhaps this wouldn't necessitate a change.

As for other readers, I'm sure my posts may already be timely beneficial for some European readers as well - particularly those who understand English - who might be able to read them in the afternoon or evening as they are made. The only ones of concern may be readers in and around Asia, the same area as I am. They might be expectant for my daily post, only to find that it's been posted somewhat late and becomes their "next-day" post instead. So no matter what I do and how I schedule my post, it seems hard - nay, impossible - to please everyone. That looks like a reason to just keep doing what I do.

The erratic times of my posts do seem to prove one thing, though. I have an intricate life, and within that intricate life, Pokémon is intricately woven in it. Each day, I look for insights in what I do and how I interact with Pokémon, and then I put that down into a written form that I and readers can then look back over and enjoy. And that process of looking may take some time, even up until the later hours of the day, but that's OK. What matters is that I get to put in a post the things I intend to put in.

So, in a way, the time at which I make my posts is really irrelevant. I can put them down at any time of day and hopefully readers will still read them. What does remain relevant is Pokémon as well as how I play it and it plays out in my life. It will remain a focal point of my blogging efforts as much as it will remain a focal point in my life and whatever I do. That should fare well for me and the readers of this blog, whether it's morning, noon, or night and I've made my post.

One year ago: Pokémon Asia McDonald's Happy Meal Toys, Waves 1 and 2
Two years ago: Watching and Re-Watching

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