Wednesday, December 25, 2019

I Like Christmas, Merry Christmas

Nobody don't like Christmas
It's the happy day that everybody loves
It's the snowflakes driftin' down
As the folks all over town
Are trimmin' trees and knittin' gloves! ...
-- "Nobody Don't Like Christmas", from Pokémon Christmas Bash

I mentioned "present" in my post from yesterday, because today is indeed Christmas - so Merry Christmas for those concerned. And in discussing Christmas on this Pokémon blog, the Christmas Bash album is inescapable. There are many great songs on this album, but one song in particular could be considered rather dicey. That song would be the one titled "Nobody Don't Like Christmas" as above, sung by the late Maddie Blaustein as Team Rocket's Meowth. The title itself seems innocent enough, but the messages in the lyrics may or may not be so innocent.

Without going into too much detail, Meowth sings about what is liked about Christmas in comparison of what is not liked about some other certain days of the year. The point of contention lies here, in that some people may feel "inferior" - for lack of a better word - about themselves. While it does befit the nature of Meowth as an antagonist, I can't help but think that it's going "over the edge" a bit. I personally think that this could have been handled in a different and better way. Meowth can still represent itself as an antagonist, but perhaps a bit more elegantly while still tied to the theme of the song.

The song itself could also be considered to end on an anticlimactic note. While the premise per the title is "there is no one who doesn't like Christmas", that seems to be not entirely true. Unfortunately, the same situation could also be considered to be true in parts of the real world, as some people may just be unsavory in regard to this special day for one reason or another. I don't have the privilege to intervene in their affairs regarding this special day, but at least I can do something about myself.

So, I've chosen to "put my foot down", so to speak, and say that I like Christmas. This is a bit of a clarification, if posts from previous years (see below) don't show the indication. Having experienced it in different ways, I know how the ones who celebrate it really celebrate; I'm happy if they're happy, and if it means we all can remain happy and content, no matter what they like or I like. That said, Pokémon is inherently linked to my experiences with it, especially so with the presence of the Christmas Bash album.

I have to eventually discuss this bordering-on-sensitive topic given the presence of the album and especially the song above. For some people, today is truly a blessed day in a significant manner, so they must like it. While I can't say the same for others, I'm sure that there is no place for anything but joy in this world; many things will surely help in making this a reality, including this day for some, Pokémon for me and others, and both for those who transcend the two spaces.

I like Christmas. Merry Christmas. 🎄 (Especially for those liking and celebrating.)

One year ago: Christmas Bash: Concept Album?
Two years ago: Merry Christmas!

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