Monday, December 23, 2019

December for Love

Love in December
I will always remember
A summer with passion
A fatal attraction
Colors are fading
Like the leaves in November
What's left of the magic
We felt in the springtime
-- "Love in December", Ace of Base

As noted in a post in October, I have a small subset of monthly songs for the last four months of a year. I've already explained the ones for September, October, and November, so now it's time for the last one, December. Granted, I've been around the block and have a bit of appreciation for this musical group, evidenced by four of their other songs on this blog. But it's an appreciation that goes hand-in-hand with Pokémon, as those previous posts can attest. So now there is this song for this month.

This song is actually a little hard for me to tie into Pokémon because of its messages. Specifically, it's a depressing one, as this song could actually be considered a "break-up song" based on its lyrics. But then, Pokémon has had its share of depressing moments, even ones close to or are pretty much "break-up" moments. The early Mystery Dungeon games has theirs, as does the fifth movie or feature film; I trust that those in the know will know. Another one happened not too long in the Pokémon anime, and it involved a scene that is reminiscent of the northern hemisphere winter, something that many will think of when given "December".

I've had my own depressing moments with Pokémon. To experience the moments above is certainly depressing to some extent. I still feel a small amount of longing for some of the Pokémon fans I've met in earlier years, whether I know or don't know if they're still around, what they're up to, and if they can be contacted. Actually, while yesterday's convention did result in many fun moments, it also resulted in a couple of depressing moments, ones that I've realized just now, after the convention has ended - somewhat (in)appropriately timed, I'd say. In pretty much all of the above cases, I feel some of the sadness that results.

Not everything in Pokémon or in life or love ends up as they should be - in a way, like a "fairy tale". That exact bit is also mentioned in another part of this song, and it is one bit that one can only imagine, if it doesn't end up happening for real. For all those other times, there is the rest of this song, which also seems to work out for my Pokémon experiences as well. It seems apt to describe relationships that don't work out as it should, whether it's this month (December) or any other.

I dedicate this song to those who are having tough times with their experiences and relationships, Pokémon or otherwise.

One year ago: Quick Ball Tin and Pokémon Coin
Two years ago: Perspective

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