Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Pokémon Go Community Day Weekend, 12/14/2019 and 12/15/2019

There's one more topic that I've also put on hold, in some ways also inadvertently. That would be this month's Community Day in Pokémon Go. For those who played and recall, last year, December's Community Day became a "super" wrap-up with all the featured Pokémon over the course of the year. This year, Community Day for this month was much like that in many ways. But it also featured some novelties, not the least of which is everything featured over this year. Yet, there's a bit - or a lot - more to it than that.

Unlike last year, this year's "wrap-up weekend" was only two days long, covering Saturday and Sunday. But over the course of that weekend, there were quite a bit of things. Pokémon from all editions of Community Day this year became more present in the wild from 9 AM on Saturday to 9 PM on Sunday, a period of 36 hours for all parts of the world, made convenient since "localized schedules" were introduced this year. The usual three-hour period of bonuses happened on both days from 11 AM to 2 PM, and it featured all the possible bonuses of increased XP, increased Stardust, decreased Egg distance, and extended Lure Modules of any type; Field Research Tasks also became "Catch 3 Pokémon" during that time, while a Special Research introduced on Saturday with only one page of tasks, all of them to catch 19 Pokémon, assisted and celebrated efforts at the same time. Also, during those three hours, featured Pokémon from the first half of this year (Totodile, Swinub, Treecko, Bagon, Torchic, Slakoth) dominated appearances on Saturday, while those from the second half (Mudkip, Ralts, Turtwig, Trapinch, Chimchar) did so on Sunday. That was great for those looking to complement or supplement their efforts this year.

What was even greater was that featured Pokémon from last year's editions also joined in on the fun in many ways. Over the course of the weekend, they appeared in Level 1 raids and in 2-kilometer Eggs, allowing a chance to get at the very least Pokémon from last year's editions with good stats. But there was a good reason to do so, because the move window, the same period as above, for this Community Day was for ALL Pokémon involved in the series of events from last year and this year, which made it possible for anyone to obtain Pokémon with their exclusive moves, including the case of Leafeon and Glaceon with Last Resort, making this effectively their debuts as they themselves debuted this year. The fun is therefore shared for everyone.

And like last year, I shared the fun in two places. On Saturday, I took part in my local area, catching a good number of the featured Pokémon and evolving a few others that deserve or need to be evolved; others set up the Lure Modules and I and a few friends enjoyed the festivities. On Sunday, I took part as I enjoyed the theme event on that day; I set up my own Lure Module on one of two PokéStops in the area and caught as many as possible there. I had hoped that someone would also do the same, but this didn't happen, yet I did keep many that I caught for possible trading later on. Overall, I improved most of my Community Day stock and left some room for future improvements or twists later on should they occur.

Community Day has always turned out to be a spectacular event since its introduction in Pokémon Go, and it has proven to be lucrative for all. Its end-of-year "super" wrap-up bash is also spectacular, especially with the way it's executed this year. That spectacular quality and lucrativeness will surely persist, as will the things gained from each edition. I'm sure I and my Pokémon Go fellows will not "put on hold" future editions and the spectacular things that they may bring.

One year ago: Raid Dramas
Two years ago: Hoenn Pokémon Are Go!

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