Thursday, December 19, 2019

Creations Without Drama: Cosplay Teaser for 12/22/2019

Yesterday's post on the anniversary of an ill-timed split is actually perfectly timed with something that I should discuss. This year, a familiar convention, as part of its festivities, contains the campaign of "creations without drama", which means that one should create positively rather than overstate, especially those of others and in a negative manner. It could be considered an adjunct to the adage of "actions speak louder than words", which is something noble. In the years since that ill-timed split, I have followed that adage to a good extent.

Since then, my creations, in particular regarding cosplay, have expanded greatly. I have many sets of Ash's outfits throughout the anime series, and I could stand to cosplay in them at any given time. I used to be averse to competitions, but now I try to partake in them as much as possible to refine what I can do for characterization and possibly vie for prizes as well. The accomplishment of a Pokémon cosplay project with others allows me to speak not for myself, but also others. I stand to be able to do more and speak further, but like with actual speaking, sometimes there is a time and place. That's for me to discover and to place myself in.

Beyond cosplay, I've proven my singing ability with Pokémon to some extent, enough to result in two collaborations with locally well-known bands; admittedly this is a more recent way of "speaking" with my actions, but I've spoken with them nonetheless. I admit that in the realm of actual "speaking" within the original realm of the Pokémon games I have not been able to speak much through my actions in them, but this partially assisted through another manner of speaking, which is through this blog. Yes, much of it does constitute words, but they could be construed as "actions" as well to demonstrate advanced capabilities with words, which someday will perhaps manifest in a different form but still incorporating Pokémon.

I've been overstated once, back then, and the result was ugly. But instead of direct recourse through overstatement, I've let much of that recourse take place through what I do. Some of the ones who witnessed that recourse and saw me develop afterward have the perception that I've successfully made my recourse through what I've done since then, and I have to say that I agree. I've been able to speak by my actions rather than my words and prove my worth. To have it be able to involve Pokémon becomes the part that makes it all the more impressive to me as a Pokémon fan, and perhaps also for others.

As for that convention, it will take place on Sunday, and I will be taking part in it and its cosplay walk as well. Like certain editions before it, I'm obligated to make this teaser; in fact, the teaser is to contain an invitation to come to the convention and to support the campaign through a hashtag - the execution and the rest being up to me. My take on it is, of course, to have the character I cosplay do the teaser, and to do it the way I communicate best, which is why I have furnished the translated version of the hashtag. Whatever happens, these are merely my words for now; they'll become my actions when the convention happens.

Me: So, are you ready?

Ash: OK, I'm ready. Here goes!

Me: This teaser is posted on my Facebook profile. Check it out there as well.
[Ash] Hey everyone! I want you to come to Chibi Daisuki Japan Fest 2019 and see me there. Maybe we can have a Pokémon battle, or do other Pokémon things and enjoy it too. But whatever we do, let's make what we do speak well for us. Let's do our very best - that's what matters! 

One year ago: The Four Pillars of Pokémon
Two years ago: Nostalgic Returns

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