Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Nostalgic Returns

It is worth reiterating, especially to newer fans, that Pokémon is now over two decades old. That means for longtime fans such as myself, there are often many opportunities for nostalgia back to those older days. This does not mean - and this is another reiteration - that I'm a genwunner; I simply like to reminisce the older days of Pokémon every so often. And for Pokémon as well as its anime, the perfect time is now.

With nostalgia in consideration, I of course can't stop talking about the new Pokémon movie, which may be considered to be a nostalgic blast in part. Sure, a good portion of it is not in line with the prior "established story", and some may have expressed their discontent in this regard. I happen to think that it may not supposed to be so, and regardless, the movie carries much of the same spirits as that of the early episodes of the anime. That's enough of a nostalgic blast for me, and really, there is not much that can be asked for than that, and that's fairly unique.

That said, there is something to be appreciated for re-watching the old episodes of the Pokémon anime as they are, in particular through appreciable means. As much as quite a few of the important ones are re-incorporated into the new movie, there are many that aren't, so that becomes an impetus to watch them. Another is to be able to compare and contrast the reincorporated moments in the new movie with those as they appear in the series previously. Believe me, there are just as many differences as there are similarities, but you'll have to find them out for yourself.

Speaking of which, it has come to my attention that the Indigo or Kanto League adventures are now out in full HD on Blu-Ray. Some packages also contain very nifty bonuses along with those discs of episodes. Needless to say, I advise getting them, especially if you have the means to watch them. I currently have nothing that can be used to watch Blu-Ray stuff, but that may change sometime in the future. Until then, it's an impulse I will have to resist, but one to be considered as soon as the means are available.

I'm fond of reminiscing, and this is especially true with Pokémon, which by now is good and old - and established. That's a great thing, because there are many things to look back on, even as the series moves forward. It is so true especially now. As a longtime fan, I cannot ask for more nostalgia, and Pokémon delivers in any case.

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