Monday, December 9, 2019

A Day (or Year) with Pikachu

As evident over the course of this blog, I'm part of groups of Pokémon figure fans, on a local and greater scale. I like figures as much as they like figures, but that doesn't mean I always have the opportunity to obtain all kinds of Pokémon figures. One kind of those figures is an official line of them, which is called "A Day with Pikachu". It's also a collaborative effort of Pokémon with Funko for a wonderful series of figures, and they are fascinatingly as such. I'm a bit taken with them as well, so the figures are worth discussing.

This line of figures actually unfolded over the course of this year. I got to know about them because of my subscription to the online Pokémon Center newsletter, which I receive through my e-mail. The first figure was divulged in February, and the rest was revealed on a monthly basis. There are two more figures to be revealed, being this month's (December) and next month (January), which completes a yearly lineup of figures for all occasions in the year, and becomes the reason why I noted the "year" in the title of this post. This also becomes a crucial point in considering a key element of the figures.

The figures for each month are themed, and they all necessarily contain Pikachu. What's interesting is that some of the theme of the figures have some sort of relation to occasions celebrated in the United States. For example, February's figure features Pikachu in a leprechaun costume holding a Luck Incense, which clearly suggests that it's to mark St. Patrick's Day the following month. June's figure features Pikachu with sparklers and tricolor shaved ice, clearly marking the Fourth of July, while in October, Pikachu is with a cornucopia and pumpkin pie, obviously set for Thanksgiving. One seems to be dictated to buy the figure to celebrate the next month with Pokémon and in style.

Because they seem to be U.S.-centric, it would presumably be hard to obtain them where I am, which is not there. Perhaps only the most enterprising of my fellow figure collectors would be able to get their hands on this figure line. I do have to say, though, that of the figures in this line, I like August's figure for September, which depicts Pikachu wearing a number 25 jersey, holding a foam Victini hand, and right next to a gridiron football, which indeed marks the start of that sport's season. I also like the April figure for May, which has Pikachu and Flabébé with a lot of flowers; it's one of the more neutral figures in the lineup. But those are just my preferences.

With that being the case, the lineup of this figure series is rather festive or celebratory. The opportunity to obtain these figures may be limited, but I don't think that is too much of a problem. What matters is that one must have a heart for all the figures in this lineup, and I'm sure that would be the case for some of my figure fellows as much as it is for me. Even if I don't have them and probably will never be able to get my hands on them, I'm still rather appreciative of them and their spirit for collaboration and celebration, whether for a day or for a year.

One year ago: To See and See Not
Two years ago: A Pokémon Twist to My Phone

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