Sunday, December 9, 2018

To See and See Not

In the course of my progression through life, there seems to always be something that I could link or seems to link me personally to Pokémon. This time, it concerns the statement which becomes the title for this post. Recently, things tied to Pokémon have become something I either see or not see. It's a bit of a nag, which ultimately can lead to frustration as well - at least when things turn out otherwise than expected.

Seeing and not seeing has been quite applicable to Pokémon Go. While it seems like it does so even at other times, of late this has been a concern. Earlier, there had been a moment where I saw raids in one place and not in another, which had not been what I expected. And then the other day, I was prepared to put in Pokémon in a Gym when I saw smoke and sparks indicating the Gym was under attack, though I could not spot the attacker; I did manage to put in a Pokémon, but predictably, it came back within a couple of hours. A few hours earlier, I spotted a Pokémon that others as well as myself might desire, but then when I went to report others in my raid group, the Pokémon disappeared, practically voiding our chances. In all of these cases, something that I either saw or did not see became contrary to what I hoped, and the results tended to be disappointing too.

Some recent events, where I'd hope to display my interest in Pokémon, seems or have seemed to also be affected by the seeing-not-seeing issue. I've already mentioned this for an event the other day; things just escaped notice with the event, let alone for one of the competitions for which I now have an interest in. And then, I'm told there is an upcoming event for which I may want to take part, but before I could do anything about it, things went awry, one part of which may be due to the seeing-not-seeing issue. This too is a bit - actually, quite - disappointing personally since I'm sure that my interest in Pokémon could make a difference. The only glimmer of hope for the latter is that this is an "at least for now" thing, and there are still a few weeks before things are really sealed. The odds may or may not be in my favor.

There will always be things that I see and things that I don't see, and they'll affect me in different ways, especially if Pokémon is or could be made to be involved. In the case of recent happenings, this may be of undesirability. What is certain is that whether I see or not see, I still see Pokémon with me. And with it, I still expect to see progression that tends less toward disappointment and more towards excitement.

One year ago: A Pokémon Twist to My Phone

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