Monday, December 30, 2019

(Extra-)Ordinary Days

I wanna kiss you
Just not ordinary miss you
It's an ordinary day
I would like to do the same tomorrow...
-- "Ordinary Day", Ace of Base

Some things on this blog have to remain the same, such as discussing a song that I think is representative of my journeys with Pokémon to close off the year - or rather, the day before that happens. For this year, that would be this song by the same pop group behind another song that I just recently discussed. It seems to be appropriately describe how I deal with Pokémon day in and day out, even in this year where it seemed that many out-of-the-ordinary things have happened; each day seems like an "ordinary day" despite what happens.

This song, like many expected out of similar pop groups as the one above, is about love, particularly about a significant partner. The partner would be one who is loved no matter what happens. I liken how I deal with Pokémon in the same way; no matter what happens, it's with me, and it's what makes my day. It makes each day a kind of ordinary day when I'm dealing with Pokémon, and like the chorus of the song as quoted above, it makes me spirited to do the same the very next day, and the next, and so on and so forth. Though the "kissing" thing is absent, the process still leaves an impression.

But that's not to say there aren't extraordinary days. There are days like yesterday, when it was a major bomb and I did not get much of anything. On the other hand, there are also days like one month ago (exactly), when something spectacular happened. I take both in stride as I proceed. What remains true is that it's hard for me to abandon Pokémon and "walk out in the rain", as the song suggests. It may be that each day with Pokémon is ordinary, but then it keeps me going and perhaps encounter what could be extraordinary. I suppose that would be the "not [an] ordinary miss you" part.

Once again, this seems rather interpretative, but then that's what I've been doing with this blog in the almost three years that it has been around. Each day, I'm interpreting my Pokémon experiences, which has become an ordinary task for me. But each day, I'm also holding out hope for the extraordinary - hopefully positive and not so much negative. And that remains the task for tomorrow and the day after... or in this case, the oncoming new year. What's on this blog is a reflection of my (extra-)ordinary days, certainly with Pokémon in tow.

One year ago: One Day, in Life
Two years ago: When I See You Again

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