Saturday, December 30, 2017

When I See You Again

It's been a long day
Without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it
When I see you again
We've come a long way
From where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it
When I see you again
When I see you again
-- "See You Again", Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth

Throughout this year, I've discussed many songs that remind me of Pokémon, and now I want to discuss one more. Those in the know would recognize this as the ending song of a particularly speedy yet poignant movie; I happen to think that this could also serve as an ending for any Pokémon adventure, in particular the most recent one that just took place. The poignant feelings of the song seem to apply equally well to Pokémon adventures that are full of encounters with people and Pokémon alike.

What is special is that it seems I'm not the only one who thinks this way. In the comments for the music video on YouTube, there was one person who suggested the same - that it does in a way apply to Pokémon. What does this show? It shows that Pokémon fans can and do share certain perceptions, which in this case involves sentiments that are communicated by the anime and to some extent the games as well. As a Pokémon fan, I couldn't be more glad, and I couldn't agree more.

As for overall interpretations, I realize that this song was written in mind to commemorate a person who is no longer living, but the alternative interpretation is that the person is parting or has only parted ways with only the very remote possibility of returning. In a world full of adventures like Pokémon, this makes sense and is understandable: many encounters may be one-time and are fleeting in nature, so they are worthy of being remembered. This song is particularly supportive of that.

A lot goes into any Pokémon adventure. There are people to meet and connect with, and Pokémon to encounter and battle. Also, those adventures often take one far from the places they've been, even home. All of those resonates with the refrain of this song, as I quoted above, as well as the entire song itself. And as this year comes to a close - as well as my personal Pokémon journey within that time - I say, what better way to herald this moment with this very song.

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