Sunday, December 22, 2019

Cosplay: Chibi Daisuki! Japan Fest 2019

Me: OK, as I've promised, this is the big day. This convention's always big, even if it's got the "little" (chibi) tag on it.

Ash: Yeah! And I've got my Kalos outfit, just like the preview.

Pikachu: Pika chu! [enthusiastic]

Me: This is the convention that one month ago I said is going to be held in the same place as that one. And... did this improve on that?

Ash: Yeah, I guess! It looks a bit more open. Even some of the outside was taken up for it. It might be a problem if a person wasn't interested, but maybe the person will pay anyway to get in - especially to get out of the weather, which was hot in the morning and rainy later on.

Me: What about the inside?

Ash: It looks a lot like last time, but there's a little bit less, so that's why it's open. But when it gets busy, it gets real tight.

Me: Well, OK, so there's at least a little bit of improvement. I think the problem is just that there are too many people in a not-so-large hall.

Pikachu: Pi ka! Pika pika! [confounded]

Ash: Pikachu can't seem to believe it all. You might be right. Oh yeah, some of the stands have a few of my character friends, and maybe a few of yours too. They sell their own goodies. Can I sell goodies?

Me: I've actually been meaning to get you to do that, but I need to think up of the concept. I still would like to get you rolling.

Ash: Yeah! I want to. The rest of the stands look pretty much the same like last time, but I guess there's still something to enjoy.

Me: Enjoy it. It's their stands, and they need some support. Now, I sent you here for the character parade, which is the little big thing. How was it?

Ash: Five out of 35 or one in seven seems pretty good, but I didn't win. I saw lots of really nice characters that I thought would win but didn't.

Me: That seems to be the "lottery effect" happening.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["Seems so."]

Me: We'll have to see what happens next time. All right, what was the entertainment like there?

Ash: There were a couple of dance groups and a few bands, and two of the bands we know about. There was also a vocal group and a DJ. But none had something special today.

Me: Hmm, I guess they were just being themselves today. That's OK. By the way, I sent a different character here last year, and he reported a lot about my figure group. They're not around this year, huh?

Ash: No, and I only saw one person from your group, and not even with Pokémon figures.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Hum."]

Ash: And you say, this is a "little" convention, right? I don't think this is quite "a little" - it's more like "a lot", even if the place is "a little".

Me: That's the impression I got from last year. You know, I think no matter how they do things, they will always seem big. This year and every year.

Ash: You said it!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yes!"]

One year ago: A Pikachu Hand Puppet
Two years ago: I Claimed My Team


  1. Did you met Marnie yesterday? Judging from the tone of your post, it seems like you didn't.

    1. Oh my! I guess we missed each other. Gosh, I hope we can, some other time.


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