Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Cosplay Departure

Nowadays, my cosplay efforts, particularly my Pokémon cosplay efforts, are quite celebrated. But it wasn't always that way. There have been ups and downs among those efforts, and one moment from the latter group occurred exactly six years ago - on the same exact date and on the same exact day, no less. And if one pays attention to the date, it is exactly one week before the happy time that is supposed to be Christmas; instead of festive cheer, I instead received despair on that day. It made me question my cosplay efforts, even made me consider quitting.

At that point, I had gotten along with a group of other cosplayers for over a year. I met regularly with them, talked about costume progressions, took note of upcoming events or conventions, shared tips and tricks, and generally helped each other out. As much as we were helpful to each other, however, there were times that I felt singled out or even "unwelcome". They have interests of their own, which don't necessarily correlate with mine; I of course like Pokémon, but others only seemed neutral about it, while on the other hand, they like anime, serials, games, music, and others that I may or may not be partial to. As for cosplay, I supported them in what they chose to do even if it didn't pertain to me, but I couldn't tell if they did the same for me... until one fateful day, today six years ago.

On that day - more specifically that evening - it was decided that they would no longer accept me as part of their group, a "hard" departure or abandonment of sorts. It was a difficult and sorrowful moment. I wanted to continue supporting them in the hope that they would continue to support me as well, but that was not to be the case. I had also hoped that my Pokémon cosplay vibe had spread and we could get together for a project, but this never happened during the time I was with them. At that point, I lost some worthwhile connections with some knowledgeable people; I even learned that some of them couldn't do much to defend my participation in the group and were shocked that this happened. It was, in many ways, a low point and a negative one in my cosplay efforts.

But all wasn't bad. I did gain some relevant knowledge in the one year and a little bit that I was with them. I learned about the creation and usage of cosplay cards, which I still apply to this day. I eventually reconnected with a few of the people I lost connection with, though not as the group proper - in fact, as multiple groups. As for my cosplay efforts, I ended up not quitting; it went on thanks to my appreciation for Pokémon, which since then has guided further steps along my path of cosplay. I eventually got to connect with others still and finally execute a real Pokémon cosplay project. And then there have been a good deal of successes all along the way, of which one might have been helped thanks to this, plus a great amount of appreciation by others. It has been quite positive since then, and I intend to keep it that way.

I have to admit that I relish to discuss this moment, but it is something true that happened, and today happens to be its exact anniversary timewise, right down to the date and the day as well as its ill timing. But I have to say that I have Pokémon to thank partially for helping me to get over this moment and, as something I highly appreciate, pointing me in the direction that I needed to go. And that direction is what makes me today as a Pokémon fan who is also dedicated to and celebrated for its cosplay. That becomes "festive cheer" enough, for this time or any time of year.

One year ago: Screenplay Writing
Two years ago: Good (Life)Times, Again

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