Tuesday, December 3, 2019

For Want of an EX Raid

If you're a frequent reader of this blog, you might have noticed something else missing over the past four months, aside from things such as those which I've mentioned in a post about some of them. Yes, since July, I've never covered another EX Raid, the last one I participated in being a local one that happened near the middle of the month. Lots of things have happened since then that have practically and severely limited my participation in them, in fact to the point of not participating at all since then. It has left me wanting for an EX Raid.

Some time ago, there was a major change in the state of many Gyms concerning their status as an EX Raid Gym. Gyms that were expected to be able of hosting an EX Raid suddenly became able to do so, which is a good thing. And yet, that's not the full story: Gyms that were not expected to become EX Raid Gyms also became one. In other words, the presence of EX Raid Gyms suddenly increased all over the place, becoming more widespread. Even so, in my local area, only one Gym became a new EX Raid Gym, which is a shame. It remains to be seen if a new Gym can appear in my area due to nominated PokéStops and have it be an EX Raid Gym that I and some of my raid fellows can really access.

While it would be possible for me to request an EX Raid invitation and a pass from one of my numerous Ultra and Best friends, not all of them always qualify for one - in fact, most don't, or if they do, they have already given the invitation to another one of their Ultra Friends that I don't know about, or else to another Trainer they help manage. In that way, it does seem a bit frustrating, since for the handful of Trainers that do obtain EX Raid passes, the whole of the EX Raid may rest on that group of Trainers, especially if they come to raid early on.

On the other hand, I'm not the only one who may be in this situation. A friend of mine, one who I've actually mentioned on this blog, has often requested for EX Raid invitations, but few have been able to furnish one. He has recently been out of town every so often, and in fact, so do others, which leads to an interesting situation: they may have EX Raid passes for their remote locations but not for their local ones. It becomes a "want not, want not" situation that benefits none.

Technically, due to certain circumstances, I'm not desperately wanting or needing of an EX Raid. All the same, I am still interested in an EX Raid to get back in the swing of things and to cover its novelties, especially for fighting-chance opportunities. Looking at the state of things, this seems to be something that a few others may also very much desire. It is perhaps time to piece together the "missing pieces" so that missing an EX Raid will no longer be a current issue, for me and others concerned.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Community Day Weekend, 12/1/2018 to 12/3/2018
Two years ago: Fallen Comrades

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