Monday, December 18, 2017

Good (Life)Times, Again

I love Pokémon Shuffle on my 3DS. It runs well, and its gameplay is addictive, considering that I'm a fan of puzzle games like this. I play it a lot - sometimes to pass the time, and sometimes when time is scarce and all I can play is Shuffle. But I've never realized how much time I've spent on playing the game, until I recently took a look at the game stats, displayed on the game's menu:

That's right; I maxed out the game's play time clock. I don't know when the moment occurred, but it has been done. What's clear now is that I've spent more than 1000 hours on the game, which is a good deal of time. It was this issue in a similar context in part that led me to discuss the experiences of another friend, who also maxed out his play time clock on a different Pokémon game. Now the tables have been turned, so to speak.

So now I have to discuss this in terms of the three criteria I previously posed in evaluating time spent: result, experience, and enjoyment. Of results, I have that in spades - I always try to catch all the Pokémon in the Special Stages and progress as far as possible in the Main and Expert Stages. In regard to experience, it's certainly better now than the first time I played, with all the conveniences introduced over time. And as for enjoyment, it has been totally enjoyable, with minimal errors. Considering all of these, it has been time well-spent in reference to this game.

But what about life? Recall that I've said that time well-spent is considered living, and with that, I have lived. I've done something Pokémon, and I like it - even further now that I get to share it by way of this blog. There is a small amount of regret that some of that time could have been spent on the main series instead, considering what has happened, but things happen for one reason or another. As for Shuffle Mobile, this game's counterpart for smartphones, some things may be better left unsaid.

Having maxed out the clock on my Shuffle game, I can now say that it's been a good time for a good life. It's been worthwhile to spend bits of time on this very addictive game. I'll still play the game - there are still many things left to be seen in this game - but I'll also try to manage to play other Pokémon games like my recently-received copy of Ultra Moon. It's only right that I do so, as a huge Pokémon fan.

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